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Everything posted by NiOSe

  1. read ur pms.
  2. up and 1rst post updated..brand new gear!
  3. ω ναι
  4. To ανέφερα στην αρχή:
  5. Καλησπέρα, μιας και δεν βρήκα ανάλογο topic είπα να κάνω ένα νέο να ρωτήσω. Διάβασα τα descriptions από όλα τα prophecies/cov και να πω την αλήθεια έναν μπούσουλα δεν έβγαλα. Prophecy of Water = Magic Critical Occurance Cap x2 Chant of Victory = Magic Critical Occurance Cap x2 Victory of Pa'agrio = Magic Crit Damage +20% Prophecy of Fire = Magic Critical Occurance Cap x2 Prophecy of Wind = Magic Crit Rate +20% Magnus's Chant = No Crit Rate or Dmg Ενδιαφέρομαι για Freya (high rate) και συγκεκριμένα για Mystic Muse. Υπάρχει κάποια σίγουρη λύση για το εν λόγω Buff ;;
  6. Site ain't working...would u mind posting some infos and patch's link ?
  7. pm me some infos bout the server cause site is pretty plain w/o basic infos.
  8. Would u mine explaining me why the hell you (not you specially, but many guys as i see nowadays) post a server w/o sites, w/o even test ur own servers?? U lose every single chance of success... postpone the damn server opening (as also posting it in forum) one more week and give us a full and complete package. Do not wait for us to give a try to semi-complete servers cause u know that u wouldn't either... Sry for offtopic and... no offence at all! Good luck anyway!
  9. Sry for going off topic atm, but ain't that "insane"? U give each KK per 1euro and u ask for 200kk 300 euros? So u literally ask for smb to do with u 200 transactions , 1 euro each one in order to get em in 200euros prices? Or did i miss anything??
  10. in what server dude?
  11. just got his items. He is very fust and trustful ! :)
  12. GCs on java were sold to "StairWayToHeaveN". Thnx for the fast and reliable trade. :-) Up and updated.
  13. Items and servers are updated! :)
  14. Btw wasn't server's owner/gm an old stuff of mafia kvn03 server?
  15. till i test the server, send me a pm with the items u got exactly in silent world and what u need in crimson. Edit: I logged in and made a full necro with passive empo last night. So i don't rly need items atm. If u got anything else in another server, feel free to pm me.
  16. we bump once per 24 hours..beware!!
  17. Up and updated with new items in servers... W8ing for ur offers in pms :)
  18. Items in l2world are sold. Let's lock it :) (but don't delete, i'll be back soon!)
  19. Max enchant has to be decreased to +20/16 , or else u won't be able to bring balance in ur server by default.
  20. ain't u banned dude for all those scams? wth is goin' on, in here
  21. Trustful seller!! I totally recommend him... Good luck m8
  22. Good evening... i'll go straight to the point cause that sh1ty problem hasn't found any solution in the past 2 days. I got an IL client and some server patches. All of those patches are working fine (i mean i can log in and play normally) except for one. (it wouldn't help, but just for the record the patch that i got the prob is l2sandora's server) It gives me wrong protocol version. The freakin' weird situation is that i took an EXACT copy of my IL client, without changing ANYTHING, from my desktop to my 2 laptops. Both of those 2 laptops using now the SAME client as desktop does, can log in and play WITHOUT any problem and the desktop, still gets wrong protocol version. Could smb tell me what the hell is going on and if there is any solution? I tried using working systems by changing only IP and nothing. I uninstalled every single client and reinstall ONLY IL (in case registry plays any sh1ty game behind my back) and still nothing. I used patched system found @ google and still NOTHING. So boys 'n' girls...any -beep-in' solution be4 i go make one more partition @ HDD and make a fresh install of windows to check up on my luck? Yours, NiOSe.
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