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Everything posted by NiOSe

  1. c'mon..go upload it somewhere , lol!! (just don't choose RS if u're not a premium member cause we'll have only 10 available slots to dl it)
  2. So how are we supposed to dl the patch to check up on it?
  3. I'm offtopic , but this is one of the lol-phrases that u could ever use. So what if he is 31 , 55 or 101 y.o.? Do u know his "adiction" and the ammount of it? Do u know him IRL? If he got a family and the rest of things that RL consists in u? Learn being polite in this damn forum. Some of u don't even respect other's personal life, by having internet anonimity as protection!! P.S.: NO I'm not 31 y.o....not even close..i need some years more.
  4. bump is allowed once per 12 hours..beware!
  5. NiOSe

    interlude L2Cupra

    Sry for off topic..but where the hell do u all guys find those crazy names? Cupra??? Leon? Ibiza? What's next? 20VT w/ k-04? V-Tec @ 6500RPMS?! K&N?
  6. 8 posts + insane items doesn't make u that trustfull seller. Post some pics with proofs.
  7. prolly :D
  8. I'd love playing in the old one with my items!!
  9. sry for destroying ur topic but i don't like "lies". +350 FF/EV items are NOT donated...they are just 1-2 days max farm. The other lie is the active population of the server ain't more than 120 ppl (i play there too, so i do know). Btw, bump.
  10. So it's a preview or what? Why did u post ur server that early w/o website?
  11. no thank you Bump
  12. Alloz, i 've been playing for about 3 weeks in the server http://www.l2sentinel.com.br/index-2.html. Some server info: ench rate 75% max for armors/jewels +16 and max for weap +25. The community @ peak times is arround 130k ppl. The items i got are: General -Dyn Robe set +16 -Boss set +16 -Mage cloak +16 -Mage dynasty Hood +16 (the most IG expensive item) -7kk beads -40k medals -75k glits -Earring of Garascia +16 -Earring of Kandra +16 -Ring of Mos +16 -Necklace of Naga +0 -Necklace of Hekaton +0 -Earring of Ipos +0 Weapon and Augments: -IC Hall acu +25 (Active Celestial Shield - it has 5 mins reuse!!) -IC Hall acu +25 (Passive WM lvl 10) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active WM lvl 10) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active Magic Barrier lvl 10) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active Empower lvl 10) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active Cheer lvl 10) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active Battle Roar lvl 10 -Adds arround 4k hp) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active Prayer lvl 10) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active Heal) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active Mana Burn) -IC Hall acu +0 (Active Shadow Flare) The char got 1104 pvp & 207 pk atm and he is one of the best geared and in top 5 dmg dealers in server. I'm interested in items in another server. Feel free to pm me ur offer..thnx!
  13. u can always gimme ur IG name and show u all of my items.
  14. Good evening.. I'm trading my gear on the17heroes for gear on another server. Items: -Electric Vesper Set +400 (lvl 7 attribute) -Blades of Defence +400 -Boss set +400 -Super Tattoo for Fighters +400 -Super Tattoo for Mages +400 -Top belt +400 -Blades of offence +500 -Electric Arcana +500 (lvl 7 attribute) -10k euros Ur offers in pm...
  15. http://www.l2-survival.net x55 , opened @ 5th July and it has 900-1000 ppl online and at peak time arround 1200.
  16. i'd prefer much more if that server didn't have this custom dwarf race. I mean it'd be way better if it was just dwarves IG , with the sub that we want.
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