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Everything posted by NiOSe

  1. C/P from official donation page: hmmm...
  2. Any info bout the gear? +30 weaps? +25 armor/jewels set?
  3. bump ain't every 1 hour... Beware!
  4. +350 full items is the answer...nothing more.
  5. i'd love to join in a server like that. If u got any pm me too :D
  6. hmmm...Romeo ain't ur server closed cause of corruption + full bugs ~2 weeks ago? (if u don't remember what corruption and/or what bugs...let me remind u)
  7. Let me explain it to u with another way. I got custom .env file for enchants. for me +25's colour is green..this guy STILL SEEMS TO HAVE A RED ONE (i got no red colour in my env file <+30). Ok, now? Btw, at least apologize @ nick1995paok for insulting him...AT LEAST!
  8. what if it's +25 or +5...it's corruption m8. If he starts out with +25 he may continue with +100-200. Btw are u sure it's +25? Red colour...kk w/e
  9. So where is ur answer Pants0? U insulted smb that does YOU the favour to play at YOUR server and u treated him like that when he reports a corruption/bug. U were SOOO sure that there is NO curruption and the staff is trustfull... Nice job m8!
  10. One of the worst ever. Corruption is the middle name of the server. Some of those ppl are getting 200-400 dmg on crt and doing 2,5-3k (same class, same buffs, same enchants, same augs). w/e , waste of time.
  11. Yeap...It constitutes server's economy.
  12. bump & edit (again - added/deleted things)
  13. just kick all those suckers (call me Heaton) from the team If he cannot react like an adult when he is angry , imagine what will happen in a more difficult situation.
  14. ppl online?
  15. Well Romeo..if u need my opinion ..ur friends sucks in reliability. U should delete em from GM team (ok give em full items in order to play) and do a damn FULL check in EVERYBODY's char (even if it's lvl 1) and clear the situation. It will take u some more time, ofc it's not the easy way, but trust me/us...it's the best way for ur server to move on. Delete coins>full players' check in for skills or tons of stucked augs>Ban and generally DO SMTH. U're losing ur server son.
  16. Well, i started out there and i gotta say that (unfortunatelly) the server is a HUGE fail. Not cause of the java pack or w/e but cause of gm team. Well, when i did log in, i killed 9 mobs in farm zone and came back to giran to check smth. Here there was H4x0r that gave me 800k coins. But the problem was that he had shared alrdy more than 10kk coins in the server (as he told me he was playing from the same place as Romeo did). Ok , we say...who cares? We're gonna enchant for ourselves and we're gonna be rdy for pvp. But no...even with full +36 gear and active+passive magic barrier as augments, we couldn't kill some of the chars because -GUESS WHAT- they were gm chars (call me Makawi , or w/e it's spelled and K00klara) I had 22k m.att as necro and 6k m.def (it's rly high in there this m.def for mage) and i was doing 200 dmg and getting 2k from those 2 (necro/sph) [ofc those hits weren't MCs..MC's dmg was ~7k]. They destruct their own server. Imo this server is to waste ur time for 2-3 days and then leave.
  17. thnx a lot Bump
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