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Everything posted by NiOSe

  1. Edit: L2Java Faction server's items added.
  2. Alloz, I wanna trade my items @ l2null for items in another high rate server (preferable IL). List: -Vesper Noble heavy set +20 (Full attribute lvl4) -Valakas +20 -Antharas +20 -Vesper Earring +20 -Baium +3 -Beleth +3 -Tattoo GM Power Fighter -Some GBs and rest sh1t Here is the site: http://l2null.com/ and the donation list: http://l2null.com/en/donate L2Java Faction Server: -Am acu +15 -DC Set +10 -Baium +15 -Baium +0 -A/S jewels +10 -Arround 3k adenas Leave ur offers here or pm me.
  3. ntelis u're a pro flamer. U started it all over again for nothing. Wake up and make ur bussiness right and let the rest of ppl continue.
  4. There is a "modify" button. U should stop doing "updates" in order to bump it.
  5. items sold..close
  6. nope , i'm looking for smth more competitive. +16 gear is pretty easy and +20 donation is pretty cheap. However thank you
  7. Alloz all, I'm kinda bored in this server so, i wanna try a new one. The items i got there are: -Dusk Staff +30 -Apella robe Set +30/25/21/20 -Valakas +20 -Baium +20 -Antharas +6 -Tatteo Earring +30 -Tatteo Ring +30 -Tattoo of absolute +30 -Shield of reflect -Arround 100 GB -10k Blood Dragons So, I'd like items on another servers... Feel free to reply here or send me UR offer in pm. Ty in advance.
  8. Sovara twra...40 eyrw gia xaraktires 80 lvl se x50 server? Ekei katantisame?
  9. i recommend him too! Trustful for sure
  10. When u decided to post ur server(s) here, u should know that u'd have to accept players' opinions. So stop blaming everybody in here. Ur server needs lots of work in order to be playable and this cannot be changed. Wake up and start working on it , or keep it as it has and go on.
  11. Trustful seller, i got the items @ L2 Null.
  12. It's custom, same as imperial crusader light set.
  13. I have to agree too bout the buffer things. Either add 3rd buffs in NPC buffer , or make the duration of those buffs lil less if u wanna make BD/SwS/WC/Elders active classes on server (sucks imo).
  14. Good evening, i'm interested in items @ L2Reality. I'm offering items on other servers. Feel free to pm me.
  15. It's 3 months old...wtf. Btw REPORTED.
  16. lol'ed hard.... u need money? u'll solve the problem of ur life with 8 euros (via paypal) ?! Ok we 're on an economic crisis period , but not like that.
  17. Trustfull seller...
  18. Hmm...doesn't seem a rly good idea since botting ain't always from the same IP. How about 2 or more friends who log (from different IPs each one) their chars naked , in the opposite faction and feed the "Top Killer Wannabe"?
  19. where did u see 200? He said 20...
  20. give us a damn link of the server's patch..! I got bored asking for it....
  21. so will u give us a server's link to check up on it, or it's that secret?
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