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Everything posted by detest

  1. it worked on all l2off and l2j Interlude servers. a great share.
  2. fixed on most servers i played for some time. a good share at the time it first came out.
  3. i can't believe how many people tried this nonsense. it's impossible to have worked on any server. com'on.
  4. you alternate between normal and small pots depending on the reuse
  5. First char was on C2, a human knight that i don't even recall the name. screen shots got lost a loooong time ago :(
  6. . H5 is still an improvement if you relate it to Freya.
  7. talking about typos mr. "rage quick" :))
  8. x4 or x5 with some good friends. best Lineage 2 experience in the world.
  9. the most baddass class to play with. Prepare for the revenge of the dwarfs in High Five :D
  10. FarmVille is a pathetic joke compared to Lineage 2 grinding :))))))
  11. with a bit of effort regarding picture and text placement it could turn out a very useful guide.
  12. a very good guide for a starting GH. on most low rate servers you won't get to have that end-game gear but if a clan is nice enough to dress you than you are ready to do some damage.
  13. archers but also noob daggers because with no skills whatsoever you can put one or two players on the ground.
  14. L2Raped.us ... good shit right here :D
  15. Elemental Master pretty much rapes all other summoners in equal gear...though i prefer to play Spectral Master.
  16. Bookmarked. We can only hope it turns out great. Please keep us informed on how things develop.
  17. The most glamorous: Aden Best memories: Dwarf Village :) ... not a castle but what the heck. Dwarf see it that way :P
  18. a lot of useful information. thank you!
  19. HA HA so true. ON TOPIC: Yes it depends on the char you chose to play but also on gear, level, player's skills and why not sometimes luck :)
  20. Gladi is still a good char to play. On Freya or HF it's sort of jack'of'all'trades but doesn't exceed at anything without proper gear.
  21. 10 minutes and ready(full item) com'on i'm playing on a high rate just for fun and the sake of pvp.
  22. it really depends on the rates your server has, the clan's resources, your playing time and of course your playing style. I prefer GS for example.
  23. yes a lot of modifications to the old playing system but a whole lot of new stuff also. in time we will see if what NcSoft did with Lineage 2 at this point brought some freshness in the game and with it new players.
  24. too lazy to look for it. what the hell is flyff?
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