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Everything posted by Francislaremote

  1. Thanks Hint for the great softwares you make !
  2. 80$ ?!?!?! This is scam
  3. No bot for L2J as far as I know.
  4. A scam to steal account maybe ...
  5. nothing new : bypass -h _bbsaddfav_'SHUTDOWN-- in help file http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=302
  6. http://www.imesoft.md/l2informer/ Tool with Drop/Craft/Weapon [...] Database http://l2dc.onlinewelten.com/ Online Drop/NPC Database http://lineage2.free.fr/index.php Skill/Weapon/Quest [...] (french)
  7. (pluton - mickey :-P ) pluton - earth
  8. Of course it works ...
  9. Well the last thing you said is pissing me of ! Ok you are not a programmer, you don't understand much about computer, I can understand that. But on this board there are people that make how-to for things like this (with pictures the most of the time) so my dog could do it ! This people are doing this because they know something and they want that other can use this knowledge. They take time for this. Maybe you should try just ONCE to do what is written on those tutorial before saying "it's no use for me, give me the answer". The worst part is coming now, you know that you need something called a offset for Walker, ok. Now if you would have take the time to TRY to search you would have seen 4 posts above yours "OFFSET COLLECTION" by LordLiquid, sticky by the way.
  10. Not just them, EVERY server has fixed this. It's too well known. (well except for recipe and wh).
  11. A mon avis tu ferais mieux d'aller demander de l'aide sur un forum russe si tu as la chance de pouvoir lire cette langue. C'est eux les maitres :-) Et pour ici, utilise la section HELP du forum pour ce genre de post sinon tu vas te faire modèrer.
  12. I can shutdown (it doesn't really shutdown, the login server crash) the server where I play with the sql injection in the help file but I can't do the other things (like make gm or create item, delete my own char ...) Anyone have a tip for me ?
  13. I never made better than +6 :/ Only tried with brigandine, so no big deal when it breaks
  14. Yes it's : 10.5.8: $00535364 I don't know why I put a x :?: Sorry man.
  15. L2Informer, there is a link to dl it somewhere on the board
  16. Oh I didn't know that, thx for the info. Well they are not on my serv but maybe I can spoil a gm and he will drop a few ;-)
  17. http://www.theoldcomputer.com/Libarary's/Pictures/NESGameCovers/D/Dick%20Tracy.jpg d*** - Tracy (tracy is not one of my girlfriend :-)
  18. Enchant is luck. People with high enchanted weapons are not cheater but lucky or/and rich (and have a lot of nervs :-) ).
  19. Can someone translate this for us please : Original text
  20. En meme temps y a une section qui s'appelle bot sur ce forum, ça doit pas etre une mauvaise idée d'aller lire un peu la bas ! Franchement si t'as pas trouvé de bot sur ce forum, achète des lunettes. :-)
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