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About charles

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  1. Flutte, mon bot target une cible, s'avance et change de cible, ce qu'il fait qu'il continue a mettre du temps a attaquer un moob non aggro et ca le rend suspect :S
  2. tu utilies quelle version stp ? je pense que celle que tu as est bien mieux que la mienne ^^ (10.2.3)
  3. oki merci, et sinon tu sais comment faire pour qu'il tente de se connecter au server tout les X moments? Car avec ces downs a la con, c dur de rentabiliser le bot ^^
  4. Ahh merci, ça doit surement etre ca! Mais par contre, il met du temps avant d'attaquer les non aggro, sauf s'ils sont tres pres de lui, c'est normal? // My char is taking times to choose his target...and again times to attak it, unless it is really close to him he'll take ages to attak a non aggro, is it normal?
  5. Could you please explain to me how to make your char attak the nearest moob? Because mine only attak aggro ones :S Ty!
  6. Easy : open a trade window with a friend, put your gear inside, don't confirm, let him confirm...there you go, you won't drop any shit. Trust me.. 23k karma lol
  7. You also can do it with the WH I had 3 "failed" on my +12 AS... I thought "cmon, if I get another fking failed I'm a luckless man" => It's now on +13 GG fake enchants, I really think it could work....
  8. 81 sps ? good job ;D U meant 80 right buddy ? :P
  9. Allright, it's a dumbfuck who plays in L2 Extreme trying to scam people and steal their account... nvm^^
  10. It's because you don't hit "ok" first in the warehouse deposite window. => Press F1 to activate the scroll => Clik on the "ok" deposite window => Quickly clik on your weapon, and pray for lag i guess it's the only way to be able to enchant safety...lag, I mean with this technic.
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