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Everything posted by Francislaremote

  1. You already asked this twice ! And in wrong section ! /moved !
  2. I don't think this works. If you look in a sell shop from someone and third char buys the thinks from the shop you will still see it but you can't buy it. But I didn't test. Maybe it works ... It should not be long to test.
  3. gameguard ? :-)
  4. Or use ACTools to type it for you :lol:
  5. try netstat in a dos window while playing.
  6. Yes it may be that (I didn't use html exploit for a long time now :-) )
  7. /moved to help
  8. l2encdec can do that. But if you have a firewall, you may be able to see the ip from the server while you are playing from it.
  9. There is a command to link npc but I can't find it anymore. Anyway I don't think this would work. /moved to help
  10. http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=392 /moved to help
  11. Nice mom ... He is gonna be a geek-killer in school :-)
  12. I don't play on off but Walker is made for off so there is no reason that you have to change token. /moved
  13. I think it was /loc 'exec(lin_setBuilderAccount 'something',1)-- But try all possiblities, it's not that long.
  14. Look there http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=516 /moved to help
  15. I don't think so. Maybe with a very fast computer ...
  16. I don't understand what you mean ? /moved to help
  17. You get more pdef with unsealed armors ?
  18. /Locked. Double post
  19. For items that only walker picks up, there is a patch on Hint's webpage I think. May be if you put in walker "not pick up" for "all the same" and then add every item that you want to pick up, the bot will not pick up the "ban-item". Use DISABLE option if you are facing a GM. For gmlist, set the refresh time to 9999. For buff that are made every 20min, I'm not sure if admin can really control that. In any case, just put 19,5 min or 20,2 min. I don't know if walker really attacks a gm when he is as a mob ? Can someone confirm this ? Just don't move your bot and it will look like you are loading. And I don't think that an admin would ban someone for this. I play in windows mode with low resolution and the game does load up very fast.
  20. You can find what you are looking for on this board. /moved to help
  21. I don't think so. (if you are gm you can). Anyway what do you want to do with his/her ip ? Call his/her ISP that he/she pked you ? /moved to help
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