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Everything posted by Francislaremote

  1. As said above, server's admin did patch those exploits. /moved to help
  2. Look here http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=479
  3. It doesn't show everytime (a bug from l2logger or from private server maybe). Try to login then go again to char selection and reenter world (don't logout completly) and then show and close inventory a few time. I found it after a few try. You can after that change (visually,client side only) your level, hair look, hp , mana ... very easy with this packet. Kind of useless anyway...
  4. A lot of the exploits from maxtor's help file are patched. /moved to help
  5. I didn't test but L2walker should work /moved to help
  6. Try to look for fake enchant. /moved to help
  7. You have capslock on I think. /moved
  8. /Moved to help
  9. Seems to be down. /moved to help
  10. Thanks, I will try to make deals with others dwarfs to pull the price up.
  11. Best board for lineage2 ! :-)
  12. I don't have it but you should find it here or at least "how-to" to make it. /moved to help
  13. I'm making a dwarf to help me with my ingame bank account and I was wondering how much you pay for your ss and bsps (mainly D and C grade). The others dwarfs on my server are selling this shit for a too low price I think (they are making about 1 adena benefit per ss). Thank you.
  14. /moved to help
  15. Get exp,buff and sell/buy shops.
  16. Well it's all about statistics. If you get 10 failed in a row, you should have more chance to have a success after this. Well this is my opinion but it's not that easy because you don't have more chance. If you take a coin, the chance of getting on side is 1/2. Even if you had 100 times the same side, the next time it will be 1/2 to have the other side. (it has been a couple of year since my last stat lesson so I may have forgotten some things.)
  17. Try an older version of Maxtor'help files (I think 1.5). You may have access to wharehouse, shops and recipes. I don't know your server, but it's likely that every exploits related to help.html is fixed. Every admins know this exploit. Moved to Help
  18. Packet editing is not that easy with L2 because packet are crypted. Wrong packet do crash the client. You can find some infos on l2j website or here. /Moved to Help
  19. Try to search it by yourself. It's not hard. You can find some "how-to" on this board that explains everything. And no need to double post, just wait.
  20. Yes it may be better to do it via pm.
  21. Your file may also work without encryption. I'm playing on 2 servers where I can use html files without encryption.
  22. the number is *mmh* well one number for one server. Try to modify the one I upped and maybe try to put the file in read only. Or use the token.exe with others walkers instead.
  23. I'm not sur I have understood what you want but here is a working file.
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