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StarSCreams last won the day on April 22 2023

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About StarSCreams

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    man must accept your destiny or destroyed for him

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  1. That's what I thought after reading all the comments posted by him.
  2. i read all comments, and you only say: bla bla bla bla in 12 comments you don't say nothing, any screenshoot, any code where probe one backdoor on open source code, i think you put a back door in this files..
  3. Hello, I would like to know if anyone has or can adapt the offlinetrade/offlineshop system or whatever they call it to the latest version of acis, thank you in advance I have attached patches if anyone can update them, thank you links: aCis398_Offline_Shop_by_LaRoja: https://pastebin.com/DpKqLrAt Offline ShopTrade/Craft: https://pastebin.com/sUG26Xtg
  4. hi i try to adapt a patch with offlinetrade mod, any can help me with this error? i use this patch: https://pastebin.com/sUG26Xtg
  5. you can listed the addons? to search and compare? thnks
  6. QR link are dead
  7. whats is the original website project? thank
  8. hey bro need this to add on discord: zoumhs999#????
  9. Hi guys, i need help with this code, already fix some bugs on this files.. but i can't fix augment. The bug is when you logout from game augment doesn't save on database, in logs or console nothings happen. any can help me with this? some diff patch to fix? please not comment any about quality of the share, for me its impossible buy files, i try to learn and upgrade free share for personal use. Thanks Link to post:
  10. amazing scheme thanks for share EDIT: Its possible adapt it to mobius?
  11. someone can adapt it to mobius h5?
  12. Bro, you can share source patch diff to fix augment and shadow weapon? i have problem, when re-login augment dissapear, and shadow weapon reset mana time and never delete. thanks
  13. hi, you can share sql files? thanks bro
  14. Hey bro, you can fix some bugs? Augment: i augment some weapons but i re-login and augment dissapear, no logs in server side.. Items shadow: shadow weapon reset mana or time when re-login and never dissapear
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