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Everything posted by Schössow

  1. beta ends in June 2012. but u know .. life is life. ..
  2. how many ppl online ?> if server is still working..
  3. Hello guys I'm looking for a mid or pvp server which is not empty, dead,pay 2 win. It should be populated : mid 500+ pvp 100+ I'm interested with all chronicles except Interlude.
  4. how many ppl online ? and is it worth even to download hi5 for this server ?
  5. how many online nowadays? any op classes? lags? some1 playing here reply plix plox .
  6. server seems to be beta right now, I'm online for ~30 mins. I must sya I have lags.. didn't have lags on naia with 6k+ ppl so.. here I have. U should really add npc buffer, coz right now u r forcing ppl to dual box.. also skills req. SP.. dear lord why ?
  7. let us know, when eng language will be added to the game, site and forum gl
  8. finally opened, I will try your server.. hope these custom things wont unbalance game (: anyway I would like to see your custom armor weapons stats/info
  9. can any1 send me good system folder for this server ?
  10. seems ,,, farm til ldeath... any1 playing there ?
  11. why no gcm ? so make max encht skill +10 example or maybe max +15, and no farm till death plix plox
  12. for now > Red Orchestra 2, real fps tactical game, not camp bf sh1t or cod
  13. every year this game sux more... where is old good ISS...
  14. this game is.... w/o pvp only pve.. I plyed us ver, and it's boring game. farm farm etc
  15. 'they' want port RDR to pc but there is no date anyway I would love to play that game .. xD
  16. seems great , I hope server will be balanced
  17. Με τα βασικά buffs για τις πρώτες δυο εβδομάδες what ?
  18. "Remember that playing on L2 Hardstyle isn't a right, its a privilege!" it's from dexternet, since 1st dex day..
  19. how old server is ? isn't it farm till death server ?
  20. server has custom craft system .. or it's just buy A and then farm till death for higher eqp ?
  21. pretty cool features, and really cool enchant. I hope server will be balanced.
  22. tell me, where server is located ? 1 more, is there sub/nobl quest ?
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