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Everything posted by Schössow

  1. online is growing, now 200 on. seems anius lost last ppl xD
  2. serverwith many polish kids.. easy frags. maybe server will be better than WhiteEagleZeroBalance sh1t
  3. it can be yeah, other mid servers fail so this one is a solution. It's 1 day old If I'm not wrong and has 100+ online.
  4. there are few mid hi5 with sick top S eqp and they all have low community, no protection, low ppl. anyway gl maybe your server will survive.
  5. it has 200 on, rest of ppl were bored and moved. + ddos may happen again and again
  6. yy, 118 online right now [1pm]. pretty good score. I saw also ppl banned as announce.
  7. no gms, few ppl playing, there should be online counter. prices are.. let's say... "go get your spear" If U know what I mean .
  8. nice simple www, cool features. I will try your server. /edit Farm isn't so hard here. server problem is lack of ppl .
  9. I wasn't online for a few days so tell me... is this server offline everyday for hours ?
  10. prices sux, goedata sux, 200 online. mid is only exp. at 40 lv U don't have $ for D/C grade. gl
  11. yeah, well we will see if it's true about internet provider XD so we wait for re-open today later. before down there were ~80ppl online after few mins so.. let's hope online will increase.
  12. good to read that. so first decrease items prices so we will have less farm, more pvp fun. gl mate
  13. do I smell heavy farm till death ? xD
  14. well, let's see good point I don't see "balanced classes"
  15. year ago I saw gm giving cp pots[full cp recorvery] and other sh1t to friends, there were videos, there were pictures about corruption and unbalance. I would like know, how it looks like now.. + online.
  16. I think they have problem with ddos. website doesn't work, server doesn't work ..for now ofc xD
  17. force should add bonus to owner too, forces on this server doesn't give owner bonus. Icon is grey only, should be grey + yellow one.
  18. server is on.. just entered it. future AW already powned mine future th.. anyway seems server has problems with lags..maybe because of ddos..
  19. I played on official and I also checked this server. seems be different than off.. so I can't say I trust you about off files..
  20. Nothing more to add .. and I wanted to try this server..
  21. all these Eternal, Platinum, Chaos Vesper, Devil, elegia; things aren't op ? dynasty elegia vesper would be enough.. for me ofc xD I really would like to see stats..
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