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Everything posted by Valve

  1. iti place sa te bagi in seama? daca nu ai ce face, am eu un loc de munca pentru tine sa-ti ocupi timpul
  2. yeah sure, I heard that story 100 times when I was mm-ing trades on another website
  3. you are secom the guy who scamed many people on gp and also on mxc, so I recommend nobody to go 1st with you in a trade but I strongly recommend use my mm services, much safer
  4. only 10 euro via paypal and it`s really cheap price... so get it as you can now, before I sell to another one :)
  5. pentru toti cei care ma irita, am o vorba sa va spun, gura mica BUG MAFIA-LIMBAJ DE CARTIER
  6. I don`t like videos where you have dagger safe enchant vs archer safe enchant, ofc daggers wins o_O and there dagger is overpowered a lot, wtf 5-7k from the back with backstab?
  7. I like playing only c1 - > c4 and sometimes c6 ... because I have only 256 RAM at my pc, sad :(
  8. I decided to sell my LoL Account lvl 30 because HoN went free and I won`t be playing lol anymore. Here are some photos of it : Price : 10 euro via paypal Contact: middleman_mxc@hotmail.com
  9. Tristana skin ( free from facebook )
  10. I decided to sell my LoL Account lvl 30 because HoN went free and I won`t be playing lol anymore. Here are some photos of it : Price : 10 euro via paypal Contact: middleman_mxc@hotmail.com
  11. bot http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=218975.0
  12. infinite aion played when launched but about class... forgotten :)
  13. no, it changes your IP even in l2 because it installs an 2nd network with sepparate IP and if you go ater on google and tipe what is my ip you will see that it`s form usa or close to it
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