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Everything posted by Valve

  1. You didn't saw the trades, and how the money was delivered so you don't know, only the buyers/sellers and me know. Edit: anyway, after that case, I searched trough paypal tos and rules and I saw the best way how to middle trades, wich I'm currently using it now.
  2. next time use mm services http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=218719.0
  3. stai ca vin acolo, 2 sec am o treaba aici de terminat
  4. avocat, procuror, la notariat, si altele... btw booring facultatea de drept :)
  5. Services are opened again, from that mistake I learned something ;) now won't happen again. Feel free to contact me.
  6. wrong, blame paypal not me for having such stupid policy for freezing someone's money, and on the other hand, I told you that you will get your money back and you just ignored me and did it your way, now support the consequences
  7. give you money back? you just pmed the gm staff of that server telling that the other guy logged into your account and stold all the items, wich is fake, because I mmed the trade from an account created by myself, anyway the money will be given back as soon as paypal unblocks my account, but not to you. what you get is a free ticket to ban land
  8. you will be banned forever on this forum for what you did to the other guy
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