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Everything posted by Valve

  1. M-am plictisit de Italia, la anul vreau sa ma duc in state
  2. you entered a server that requiers cs1.6 via steam, but you got non-steam so I recommend you search another server that doesn`t requires steam
  3. eu nu ma cert cu nimeni, doar el se baga in seama ca nu-i place house si minele mele
  4. ce vacanta? ca ma bucur ca s-a terminat, acum am mai multa treaba ;)
  5. I don`t got it, if someone that haves it, he will upload it and post it here, just check the topic from time to time
  6. well I know many ways of trading, but I choose them depending on the server
  7. well if I will see that someone wants to dispute the money ( to retrieve it back ) the next trades I will do not by giving random1 to random2 but by giving random1 to my account and if he eventually disputes, it will appear -euros in my account, but that won`t affect me, because I know how to keep my balance allways on 0 so won`t charge me any money.
  8. well it depends on the server, if it has account recovery by e-mail or if it`s possible to change the email too, anyway at the servers where you buy the account, but it has a thing that you can`t change but only the owner knows, I don`t recommend buying chars on this kind of servers
  9. you mean that after trade was succesful done, the other guy that got the money, to recover his char by email or what ?
  10. be more precise, email change of what ?
  11. wrong, random2 gives me char I login with char and ask random1 if it got all that he discussed with random2 on that char if it`s ok, random1 sends money to random2 random2 confirms me if he got the money I give char to random1 that`s how you do trades in mm way
  12. a business for myself? I mm trades for FREE, while lain is charging money, so before posting, think twice.
  13. din cate observ, el are nevoie de atentie
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