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Everything posted by Valve

  1. hahaha, cred si eu :)) dar nu acum, e tulbure perioada... probabil mai incolo :)
  2. Finito (16) Chr.Trance (-1) - Spamming. In topic July 03, 2011, 07:22:28
  3. cei romani sunt la pamant, printre cei straini, eminem ce se mai asculta ;)
  4. not even Grisom got promoted to admin ? :]
  5. so nobody else was admin except maxtor ?
  6. Date Registered: July 04, 2010, 08:35:36 AM no he isnt him, but I remember someone with avatar : keyboard and a finger pressing key "Ban" what`s his name ( he was admin along with maxtor )
  7. wasn`t he admin on mxc long time ago ?
  8. check ( ) ;) btw who ddosed mxc ? tell me his name
  9. tell me a name, I`m curious :)
  10. but the question is who ddosed ? because exists police, you know ;) and for using cybernetic attacks you can end up in jail from 3 months to 3 years
  11. I think there was a rule that whoever is staff at gp, gets banned here, am I right ? ( or maybye wrong... )
  12. de ce crezi ca nu mai este rapul pe la radiouri ? te las sa te gandesti singur prietene ;)
  13. ok stop drama now, he did a mistake, he didin`t warned you before but... he learned from his mistake :] karma restored and another chapter of the mxc book closed to prevent spam section to move here.
  14. DarkImpulse next time when you want to spam use this
  15. drama ended, topic can be locked now ;) awaiting for the next chapter of the mxc book :]
  16. it`s dead now, Dosmac is trying for 1 month to fix it hahah ( meanwhile test server x99999999 its opened :) )
  17. if interlude... then x70 best rates :)
  18. slab cu spamul pe mxc, ce s-a intamplat de vara trecuta ?
  19. who lied you ? c4 l2elite server is working for 6 years and it has depmax 64 protection and is the most closest server to retail I have ever seen
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