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Everything posted by Valve

  1. hahaha while I was looking trough items sells on mxc I found a guy with his server clicked the site and went to forums then I saw 5501 Topics 7219 posts and I was like WTF ... :D check it by urself Forums- click me
  2. heroes dissapointed me... the last seasons was rubbish :] and I thank God they don`t continue the seasons
  3. raule cu ce ai facut signature ? in adobe after effects ? sau cu ce program
  4. scrie ma pe google translate pene si traduci din italiana in romana :)
  5. sunt obisnuit cu din astea, dar din partea lui nu ma asteptam :)
  6. sunt pe jos de ras :D cica alexkiss a luat ban pe gp si a venit aici :D ( el aseara injura mxc`u si spama pe aici si acum a revenit cu ganduri bune :)) )
  7. fiecare membru cand e bagat in staff trebuie sa-si faca prezentarea aka : Real Name: xxxxxxx Place: xxxxxxx Age: xxxxxxxx Job: xxxxxxxx
  8. e interesant :] ma uit si eu la prezentarea la fiecare sa vad cati ani are si unde sta, poate-l vizitez la vara ( viitoare ) :)
  9. cat de hatori sunt legendary members si despre noii moderatori si alte chestii
  10. that`s what I was talking about, that you are a EX-STAFF, higher than a normal member, but seems like you need guidance to understand things, anyway, stop the spam, cheers, no more replyes from me.
  11. no, you are not a member, you are a ex-staff, it`s a big difference. and now stop the hate, he made mistake, he is human, humans make mistakes, end of discussion.
  12. I don`t think I have power I just think that sofaki come here to rage because he didint got promote for his comeback, that`s all, nothing more.
  13. if you want to talk about promotes, Ventic why maxtor unbanned you in the first place ?
  14. sofaki, first of all, we must CLEAN the section, after the shares/ new stuff will come
  15. go back in your cage ! muffin monster
  16. I can dekarma you for spaming, i`m awesome [it`s off topic section]
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