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Everything posted by Valve

  1. c3 sucks, no olympiad :) c4 ftw forever :D
  2. why there is no c4 in the vote poll ? :)
  3. wrong section, post it here http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=40.0
  4. asta are probleme mentale, a scapat de la azilul de nebuni :))
  5. mai posteaza tu in continuare aici sa vedem ce se intampla :)
  6. ce trist e ala cu -1 :) ar trebui sa stie regulile mai bine
  7. also an little addition : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=217979.0 also topic locked
  8. sX (3) Amphetamine (-1) - Misbehavior so you know for what you was smited
  9. you can bump every 24h, read rules
  10. btw eu nu ma refeream la PwNNNz0r.^ ci la Pwnz0r
  11. btw age of splendor is c2 right ?
  12. why is it called warcraft ? :) do you got some magic effects from warcraft ? :) or something related to warcraft ( the blizzard game ) just curious =]
  13. si-a schimbat numele recent ? sau e Pwnz0r de la inceput ?
  14. Hide N Seek Version 2.8 Introduction: This is a Counter-Strike 1.6 mod where the hiders (Terrorists) must hide from the seekers (Counter-Terrorists) until the round ends. The teams will swap when the Counter-Terrorists win, or when X rounds have ended (cvar to change). The hiders are equipped with a broken, invisible knife (cvar), an HE grenade (cvar), two flashbangs (cvar), and a smokegrenade (cvar). The seekers are equipped with a knife (cvars for grenades). Both teams are given 100 armor (cvars per team). Features: Removes all objectives (bombs, hostages, etc.) and doors Creates a fake hostage outside of the map to end the rounds. Removes any guns placed on the ground in special maps, such as awp_map. Contains two different scrim mods More features are described with the cvars and commands. Scrim Mods: Win Rounds This scrim mod is based upon winning and losing rounds. When your team is hiding, they must win X rounds in a row. If you lose before winning those rounds, the teams will switch and the opposite team will have a chance. If the teams keep switching enough times, the scrim will end. [*]Point System This scrim mod is based upon gameplay, and earning points for how well you play. You can receive points for killing and winning the round. You can lose points for suiciding, team killing, and losing the round. There is a set amount of rounds to play throughout the scrim. After half of these rounds have passed, the teams will switch. After all the rounds have ended, whichever team has the most points, wins. Admin Commands: hns_status <0|1> - turns HideNSeek mod on or off 0=OFF 1=ON hns_scrim <0|1> - turns Scrim mod on or off 0=OFF 1=ON hns_scrimtype <0|1|2> - sets the scrim type - use this before using hns_scrim 1 to remove the vote 0=NONE (vote will show if scrim starts) 1=WIN ROUNDS 2=POINT SYSTEM hns_captains - chooses two random players to be captains of a pug scrim hns_warmup <0|1> - turns Warmup on or off 0=OFF 1=ON Client Commands: say /hnshelp - displays an MOTD window describing the HideNSeek mod - if the help file used in the MOTD window does not exist, no MOTD window will be shown say /scrimhelp - displays an MOTD window describing both HideNSeek scrim mods - if the help file used in the MOTD window does not exist, no MOTD window will be shown say /points say /scores say /wins - shows everyone the current scrim points won (points for Point System, rounds won for Win Rounds) say /rounds - shows everyone the amount of rounds left in the scrim (also show left in the half if it is a Point System scrim) Main Cvars: hns_footsteps <0|1|2|3> - remove footsteps for certain players 0=OFF 1=HIDERS 2=SEEKERS 3=ALL hns_money <amount> - amount of money set for each player at all times 0=HIDE MONEY -1=DONT FORCE MONEY hns_nubslash <rounds> - amount of rounds to lose as a seeker before nubslash is enabled 0=DISABLE NUBSLASH hns_disablebuy <0|1> - disables the use of buying guns 0=ENABLE BUYING 1=DISABLE BUYING hns_hiders_knife <0|1|2> - determines if the hiding team gets a knife - this is used to remove 240 maxspeed bug - the knife attacks will be disabled 0=NO KNIFE 1=KNIFE, INVISIBLE 2=KNIFE, VISIBLE hns_hiders_grenades <amount> - amount of HE grenades each hider gets hns_hiders_grenades_percent <percentage> - percentage as a hider to receive an HE grenade - random for each grenade given - percentage is a whole number 0-100, not a decimal hns_hiders_flashbangs <amount> - amount of flashbangs each hider gets hns_hiders_flashbangs_percent <percentage> - percentage as a hider to receive a flashbang - random for each flash given - percentage is a whole number 0-100, not a decimal hns_hiders_smokegren <amount> - amount of smokegrenades each hider gets hns_hiders_smokegren_percent <percentage> - percentage as a hider to receive a smoke grenade - random for each grenade given - percentage is a whole number 0-100, not a decimal hns_hiders_armor <0-100> - amount of armor each hider gets hns_seekers_grenades <amount> - amount of HE grenades each seeker gets hns_seekers_grenades_percent <percentage> - percentage as a seeker to receive an HE grenade - random for each grenade given - percentage is a whole number 0-100, not a decima hns_seekers_flashbangs <amount> - amount of flashbangs each seeker gets hns_seekers_flashbangs_percent <percentage> - percentage as a seeker to receive a flashbang - random for each flash given - percentage is a whole number 0-100, not a decimal hns_seekers_smokegren <amount> - amount of smokegrenades each seeker gets hns_seekers_smokegren_percent <percentage> - percentage as a seeker to receive a smoke grenade - random for each grenade given - percentage is a whole number 0-100, not a decimal hns_seekers_armor <0-100> - amount of armor each seeker gets hns_hidetime <seconds> - time in seconds that hiders have to hide hns_timersounds <0|1> - enables speech of numbers during hide timer 0=OFF 1=ON hns_noslowdown <0|1> - enables no slow down when landing 0=OFF 1=ON hns_teamchange <rounds> - if <rounds> ended is reached, the teams will switch 0=SWAP TEAMS WHEN SEEKERS WIN hns_disablekill <0|1> - disables "kill" command in console 0=ENABLE COMMAND 1=DISABLE COMMAND hns_blindcolors <RRR GGG BBB AAA> - colors and alpha of the blind color during hide timer - alpha is the transparency (255 = full) - you can set certain parts to be random by setting them as "rand" - Example: "255 0 0 rand" will make a red screen with random transparency. RRR=RED RGB CODE GGG=GREEN RGB CODE BBB=BLUE RGB CODE AAA=ALPHA OF THE COLORS hns_hudcolors <RRR GGG BBB> - colors of hide timer - you can set certain parts to be random by setting them as "rand" - Example: "255 0 rand" RRR=RED RGB CODE GGG=GREEN RGB CODE BBB=BLUE RGB CODE hns_hiders_alivefrags <frags> - gives <frags> to all surviving hiders when the round ends hns_lights <lights> - the style of lighting for the maps - use letters a - z - a is darkest, z is brightest - if you want normal, use m - there is a 5 second delay when checking for the lighting hns_visiblecommands <0|1> - should say commands like /hnshelp be displayed in chat? 0=HIDE 1=SHOW hns_chooseteam <0|1|2> - should players allowed to change teams? 0=NO 1=YES 2=ONLY ADMINS hns_semiclip <0|1|2> - enables semiclip - semiclip is where players can walk through each other but still interact with other entities around the map 0=OFF 1=SEMICLIP PER TEAM 2=SEMICLIP FOR EVERYONE hns_semiclip_alpha <0-255> - transparency of semiclipped players 0=TOTALLY INVISIBLE 255=TOTALLY VISIBLE hns_prefix <prefix> - prefix before messages from plugin - Example: [HNS] Type /hnshelp for more information about HideNSeek. hns_gametype <gametype> - Name of the game for server lists - Default server gametype for CS 1.6 is "Counter-Strike" - For CS:S, it is "Counter-Strike:Source" - Leaving this blank will result in: "HideNSeek <version>" hns_removebreakables <0|1> - Should breakables such as glass, vents, and bombsites be removed 0=KEEP 1=REMOVE hns_removedoors <0|1> - Should doors be removed 0=KEEP 1=REMOVE hns_noflash <0|1|2> - Disables flashbang effect for players 0=FLASH EVERYONE 1=DONT FLASH HIDERS 2=DONT FLASH SEEKERS hns_noboosting <0|1|2> - Disables boosting for certain players 0=ENABLE BOOSTING FOR EVERYONE 1=DISABLE BOOSTING FOR TEAMMATES 2=DISABLE BOOSTING FOR EVERYONE hns_noboosting_punish <1|2|3> - who should be punished for boosting 1=PERSON ON TOP 2=PERSON ON BOTTOM 3=BOTH PEOPLE hns_noboosting_damage <damage> - Damage done to who is punished hns_noboosting_interval <interval> - time (in seconds) between each punish for boosting hns_warmup_godmode <0|1> - should godmode be enabled during warmup 0=OFF 1=ON hns_warmup_respawn <0|1> - is respawn enabled during warmup 0=OFF 1=ON Scrim Cvars: hnss_prefix <prefix> - prefix before messages from plugin during scrims - Example: [HNS-SCRIM] Exolent : started the HideNSeek scrim! hnss_vote_timer <seconds> - time to choose which scrim type during the vote Win Rounds Mod hnss_rounds_wins <rounds> - rounds to win when hiding to win the scrim hnss_rounds_losses <rounds> - amount of team switching before the scrim ends hnss_rounds_savewins <rounds> - should the amount of wins while hiding be reset when teams switch? 0=RESET ROUNDS 1=SAVE ROUNDS Point System Mod hnss_points_knife <points> - points given for killing with a knife hnss_points_headshot <points> - points given for a headshot kill hnss_points_grenade <points> - points given for a grenade kill - Note: this also includes frostnades hnss_points_kill <points> - points given for a kill that wasnt a knife or grenade hnss_points_suicide <points> - points lost for suiciding hnss_points_teamkill <points> - points lost for teamkilling hnss_points_roundwin <points> - points given for winning the round hnss_points_roundlose <points> - points lost for losing the round hnss_points_rounds <rounds> - total rounds for the scrim to endure Installation: [*]Download hidenseek.zip the bottom of this post. [*]Place hidenseek.amxx in your server's addons/amxmodx/plugins directory. [*]Open the plugins.ini located in your server's addons/amxmodx/configs directory and add hidenseek.amxx underneath 3rd Party Plugins [*]Place hidenseek_help.txt in your server's addons/amxmodx/configs directory. [*]Place hidenseek_scrim_help.txt in your server's addons/amxmodx/configs directory. [*]Place hidenseek.cfg in your server's addons/amxmodx/configs directory. [*]Restart your server Notes: All of these cvars have been conveniently placed for you in the hidenseek.cfg - Make sure you set your cvars in that config and not the amxx.cfg! If you need some colors for hns_hudcolors and/or hns_blindcolors, have a look here. Black is completely invisible. The darker your color, the less visible it will be. [*]If you are upgrading, do no replace your hidenseek.cfg file. Instead, let the plugin run for the first time, and it will recreate the file for you, without losing your current cvar values. Then, you can change the new cvars' values from the default values to your own. If you get a "bad load" when trying to use this plugin [*]The .amxx file name does not match what is put in the plugins.ini [*]The .amxx file is not in the plugins directory. [*]Something is wrong with your .amxx file. Download the .zip file and reinstall the plugin. Recommended Additions: FrostNades by XxAvalanchexX Blockmaker by Necro Team Join Management by X-olent Weapon Chance by X-olent hidenseek.zip This plugin requires AMX Mod X version 1.8 or higher. Credits : Exolent and me for re-coding all the info Little Video Counter-Strike 1.6 - Diwat26 HNS Server (Hide And Seek) - High Definition
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