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Everything posted by Valve

  1. can you also add a video? If it looks nice I will test it on a server of mine :)
  2. ce tare imi zice unu pe un forum in sectiunea de romana ( google translate failed ) " bag dick in your mata "
  3. intrebarea zilei... unde e al 4`lea buton?
  4. Guys on what server are you playing and what type of server is it ? ( if you play any ) For me, I play on classic server godz.g1.ro ( romanian server from my city )
  5. concluzia e ca am vazut acum jumate de an in l2 o dwarfitza pe care o chema " FlyingDicks "
  6. I have invites for the best tracker in Romania :)
  7. nume de femeie + poza de femeie la avatar... pare cam gay, no offense
  8. as I remember some few months ago demonoid was free for invites.... I think I have some invites also, but I see now site is under daily maintenance
  9. haspe edit: ba ce slab stati cu spamul pe aici, scriu ceva, ma trezesc ca deabea peste 3 ore raspunde cineva... pe gp iti raspunde la secunda, si RAR la minut :)
  10. Description: This is an improvment, an update, of the original mod Biohazard Zombie Mod. It`s the last version of the mod Biohazard Zombie Mod. Instalation Guide: 1. Make sure you have installed AMX Mod X 1.8.0 or a newer version. 2. Download from here Click! Biohazard v2.00 Beta 3b and extract it anywhere on your pc. 3. 3. Copy the content of the folders sound, models, addons in the folders with the same name from HLDS\cstrike ( where HLDS is the main directory of the server) 4. 4. Enter in addos\amxmodx\configs\plugins-bio.ini and start or stop any subplugin that you wish by deleting or adding ; in the face of it 5. 5. Enter in addons\amxmodx\configs\bh_cvars.cfg and modify the CVAR-s as you wish. Enter in cstrike\server.cfg and add the line: sv_downloadurl "http://biohazard.ubcsgameserver.net/cstrike/" Here, also assure you have the CVAR-s sv_allowupload 1 sv_allowdownload 1 exactly with these values. Little Video ____________ Tutorial by me ____________
  11. Description: I randomly found this mod, and I really find it intersting. In this mod there are no weapons, just the knife.At the beginning of the round you will have a snowball that you will throw and after it will be given to you another one automatically. Instalation: 1. You download the mod from here Click! 2. After you downloaded it, extract it anywhere. 3. Enter in : HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins where you paste the plugin snowball 4. Enter in : HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini where you paste the next line: snowball.amxx CVAR-s sw_toggle 1 // Mod activated or dezactivated sw_friendly 0 // Friendly fire sw_damage 100 // Damage made by the snowball sw_dm 0 // Respawn on or off sw_dm_time 2.0 // In how much time you revive sw_snowball_gravity 0.3 // Gravity of the snowball sw_snowball_velocity 2.0 // In how much time the snowball reappears sw_crosshair_remove 1 // With or w/o crosshair sw_spawn_protection 1 // Spawn on or off sw_spawn_protection_time 3.0 // Spawn protection time (default 3.0) Requirements Little video ____________ Tutorial by me ____________
  12. PaintBall Mod - Instalation Guide Description: I think many of you have seen it, or others not at all. This mod is with weapons, but not with bullets. At the beginning of a round, the mod automatically replaces your weapon with a special paintball weapon, but the gun remains the same. The weapon also the gun will shot with some paintballs ( the color of the balls is RED at TERO and BLUE at COUNTER ) and on who you hit with 1 paintball, it will die. Instalation 1. You download the mod from here Click! . 2. After you downloaded, extract the archive in any place. 3. Enter in : HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins where you copy the 2 plugins of paintball 4. Enter in : HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini where you copy the next lines: paintballmod.amxx paintballgun.amxx Little video __________________ Tutorial made by me __________________
  13. v2.0 Download : Link 1 Link 2 Descriere : Nu este aceeasi munca ca la v1.0 dar multe buguri au fost scoase, traduceri mai multe, configul este mult mai bun inlocuit cu cel din PGL GUI, putin modificat, am adaugat un script nou, bunnyhop, radarul vechi (transparent si solid) inlocuit cu steagul romaniei, chenar cu fps adaugat, background usor modificat, o melodie de fundal mai noua decat cea din v1.0 si multe altele deci aceasta versiune este mult mai buna si mai usoara de folosit decat v1.0 dupa parerea mea... Ce este nou ? - Am modificat radarul vechi transparent si cel solid cu unul nou gen 'steagul romaniei'. - Imaginea de fundal upradata. - Am schimbat explozia grenazii HE cu una noua, mai spectaculoasa. - Am schimbat culoarea muzzleflashului cu una noua. - Melodia de fundal schimbata cu una mai noua. - Jocul este tradus acum in proportie de 90% in limba romana. - Configul este pe baza celui din PGL GUI, putin modificat, iar tastele bindate aiurea din v1.0 au fost scoase. (P.S: din experienta mea de counter-striker am jucat cel mai bine cu acest config) - Am adaugat un chenar cu FPS (Frames Per Second) in coltul din dreapta jos, astfel incat puteti vedea daca jucati CS 'calumea' sau nu... Cel mai bine este sa aveti aproximativ 100 fps. - Buguri minore, si alte chestii ce nu permiteau folosirea cheat-urilor/coadelor rezolvate! - Bunnyhop script adaugat in joc! Ca sa dezactivati/activati bunnyhop-ul apasati tasta "J" in joc. Nu trebuie sa scrieti 'exec bunnyhop.cfg' in consola, deoarece el se activeaza singur imediat la intrarea in joc! - Mici modificari. Informatii KIT instalare : * Este in format setup.exe. * Are marime de 313 MB. * Tradus in romana inafara de erori in proportie de 100%, cu erori 80%. * Instalat, jocul are 630 MB. *Rezolutia Recomandata : 1024x768 Poze si in paranteza sursa lor v2.0 sau v1.0 : 1. Background (v2.0) -> Click! 2. Consola intrare (v2.0) -> Click! 3. Servere la Internet (v2.0) (100 intr-o secunda) -> Click! 4. Selectarea echipei (v2.0) -> Click! 5. Bomba (v2.0) -> Click! 6. Meniul de pe H [commandmenu] (v2.0) -> Click! 7. Ostatici si deagle (v2.0) -> Click! 8. Explozie bomba (v2.0) -> Click! 9. Muzzleflash (v2.0) -> Click! 10. M4A1 (v1.0) -> Click! 11. AK47 (v1.0) -> Click! 12. AWP (v1.0) -> Click! 13. USP (v1.0) -> Click! 14. Cutit (v1.0) -> Click! 15. Echipa CT (v1.0) -> Click! 16. Echipa T & glock (v1.0) -> Click!
  14. asta crede ca noi suntem rusi sau cum ?: ))
  15. http://futmanager.com/futebol-online/rodrigo-futebol.html hahahaha, fotbal
  16. 1. i7 e procesorul, lol la tine m-ai spart =)) 2. daca vreti recomandare de PC, scrieti pretul si va fac eu pc`ul pe componente
  17. that`s why google was invented.... if you could have used 3 seconds of your time you would have seen the 1st page from google search provides you exactly what you asked, but whatever.
  18. ma refeream la comix si sido, eu i-am convertit la filelist
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