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Everything posted by Valve

  1. Valve

    1st of April

    FC MXC club... we just need 11 players ! who could they be... btw I`m goalkeeper :)
  2. 1. that will be discussed on msn 2. if you don`t have anything to do with the topic, don`t post, it`s consiered spam
  3. Valve

    1st of April

    wait, I call bbanhammer SA- critical ban
  4. everybody saying ty ty for topic but say how to use it... more exactly... :/
  5. Valve

    1st of April

    Obey to the master or be punished by the evil cookie
  6. Valve

    1st of April

    I just bought maxcheaters.com domain, all obey me :D
  7. care-mi zice in PM ce scrie aici http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203354.0
  8. can you explain better how to use the anti-target ? so how I get the char ID more precise and what other things I need ?
  9. Tattoo +25 just use the magic button ---> <---
  10. maybye 2 weeks... :/ if u don`t know don`t speak :)
  11. this will be like mugen games ? if yes, then big fail
  12. gata, am vorbit cu catalin sa investesc in dex 7 mii de euro pentru un procesor si placa video noi si o sa fiu si eu GM si o sa iau 25% din donatii
  13. check bots ection. works smoothly, see even pictures ! and stop lying it doesnt works, ur pathetic
  14. vouch for ventica, I`m a fan of him :D
  15. walker works here as I can see
  16. razvan cum se cheama serialul ala cu roboti din avatar de la tine
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