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Everything posted by sparkling

  1. I've got multiple accounts gonna try it with the 2010 ones
  2. loved the anime, I think I am gonna try this out in my spare time
  3. Pity I don't own a PS3 , what I hate about GT series though is the missing physical aspect of the game for me realistic simulation > arcade
  4. loved the first portal, now I think I am gonna buy the new one too :D
  5. sorry, didn't read the whole thing >.<
  6. well good luck with the recruitment but dunno if this is the right place to advertise you clan, just saying..
  7. gonna post it even here because where I posted it nobody seemed to pay any attention What skills do I need? I guess programming is one part, now what language is the best? Java? C++? Some other? And why? And what other skills should I have to be able to Develop a server OR be able to exploit it in one way or another
  8. What skills do I need? I guess programming is one part, now what language is the best? Java? C++? Some other? And why? And what other skills should I have to be able to Develop a server OR be able to exploit it in one way or another
  9. what about botting? Will it be allowed? I guess not xD
  10. I am sorry :/ I am looking for a server too
  11. blunt is the best weapon for orcs, mainly because of the stun
  12. there are always a lot of "unexplored" places :D
  13. even though I am not a beginner I find this very informative
  14. BTW Are you really from Japan? If yes, it is awesome, I am a big fan of anime, especially the old ones
  15. nice guide , I played it twice on a pvp server and it rocks against mages
  16. I think it is not that bad but I still prefer the older updates
  17. good guide but better internet will help you most
  18. 1.6 is better, the truth, takes more skills to play
  19. wow awesome songs
  20. can Wind Rider compete with other daggerists?
  21. haha, would play on a server like that
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