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Everything posted by sparkling

  1. I played all three and IMO, HON is the best
  2. it is not looking very good
  3. welcome, hope you like it here
  4. hey
  5. thx for the link
  6. sup, :O pitty I don't speak Greek
  7. what?
  8. welcome... but... you shouldn't cheat about your posts, just be a normal user like others
  9. wow great NOT afraid to click hahahha
  10. old school > new school
  11. sparkling

    what up?

    I like turtles
  12. what is your job?
  13. hahah pitty I missed those days on maxcheaters. :// I am a newcomer
  14. yeh it works but only on bad servers, tried this morning
  15. how many people are expected to go there?
  16. this server is a fail, keeps on lagging
  17. really? could you recommend me some server?
  18. thx, I haven't tried it yet but I am about to, I am gonna make a review then :)
  19. wow yeh it does
  20. Indeed I loved it, especially the ending
  21. I usually don't like guides like these but I am gonna admit that it is very informative for newbies
  22. tell me where exactly in Asia people are starting to play L2? Ok there are a lot of RU servers but.... where did you get that info btw?
  23. I dunno I did not like the game that much
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