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Everything posted by HeLL_GoD

  1. Need For Speed Underground(the 1st one) and whatelse... GTA (all series)
  2. I agree with qesaras!NOD 32 V.3 all in one ;)
  3. Browser games seem too boring for me!I used to play a game with spacecrafts etc and i got bored in a week! So i am not gonna try this! :D
  4. Come on dude...U cant compare a PC with console games like PS3 and XBox360!
  5. Torrents with ppl who seed!!
  6. Looks promising but its not my style...so dont expect comments from me :D
  7. Xrhsimopoiw kati paromio alla k auto dn paei pisw... P.S. Den einai exploit...
  8. Eksartate ston server pou paizeis...Merikes olympiades metrane ws nikes to perissotero dmg pou kanei o kathe paixtis k oxi to life tous se periptwsi liksis xronou.... To dokimases se kanenan gracia?Kai an nai,se poion/ous?
  9. Ntaks psile dn paizei na tin poly-paleueis etc?Ti mas kozareis 2 mail gia vote k exeis topic Olympiad bug? Lock it!
  10. Ela ntaks liga logia gia ton TG(TheGame) gt dn einai tixaio oti itane apo tous prwtous server p anoiksan stin ellada k kratisan toso poly!
  11. O teh kalos alla dn kserw kati dn me travaei se auton ton server...Perissoteroi oi gm!
  12. Milame gia RPG server oxi gia pvp kwlo servers...
  13. Vasika stin arxi elega dn ksekinaw official gia ton mono logo oti fovomoun mn kaw teleios!Alla telika me toso kapsimo pou exw riksei se private server twra tha hmouna trelo mpouri ston official :D
  14. Duskola ta pramata!Kai oi 2 paixtes einai eksisou kaloi alla egw tha protimousa Gladi!
  15. Den kserw ti lete alla san +GM+HeLLGoD dn exei xD
  16. Mpravo aderfe pou ekatses k to metefrases!Arketa xrisimo an k exeis kanei ena lathaki k tis Life Stones tis les Life Orbs... ;D (me mperdepses stin arxi) P.S. Tnx episeis ston GriSoM.
  17. I din't tried it but i hope its works because it sounds good ;)
  18. The program about chests show to you what item will drop?
  19. Great share dude,specially usefull for amateur users!
  20. H kaliteri stratigiki gia mena se tetoiou eidous event einai na kaneis tank.Epeidi kseroune oti pefteis diskola sxedon kaneis dn asxoleite mazi s mexri na erthei to telos.
  21. Apo tis 4 selides apo ta reply twn paidiwn to 90% einai "den katalava ti kanei,mporeis n eksigiseis kalitera ktl ktl" Tha voithisei kaneis i tzampa yparxei to topic? Ante organwtheite ligo
  22. Katse stin mpara vazeis to skill pou ftiaxneis CP k to patas sinexeia h' ta CP potions?
  23. Tote poly apla farmareis adena me enan allo char oxi me ton main s...
  24. Ena exw na pw : "Thanatos sta kamael!!" xD
  25. Moirizomai mamounia k dn tha to dokimasw!
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