Που τα ξεθαβετε αυτα τα topic ρε παιδες...Εχει 1,5 χρονο απο τοτε που εχει post!! Και να δουλευε λογικο τωρα να μην δουλευει.
Καντε ενα lock γιατι τζαμπα spamm πεφτει.
Ektos apo auta pou eipes,edw ellada dn prokeite na ypostiriksei kanenas ISP megalo upload(ektos vevaia k an plirwseis ta mallia tis kefalis sou) opote ligo diskolo na anoikseis server p na mporei na upostirizei panw apo 40-50 atoma online
Τα πραγματα ειναι πολυ απλα...Το topic ειναι ακυρο,δηλαδη δεν ισχυει αυτα που λες κ οι υπολοιποι εχετε μαμηθει στο spamm!!
Καντε το ενα Lock να τελειωνουμε...
I think the same too...We cant judge a game by only watching its trailer and not its gameplay!!
It would be better if u could find any gameplay videos!
I prefer focus power but usually I change in the middle of the pvp!For example if the opposite player got bluff from me I instantly change to power to give him high backstab and when the bluff is gone i change to chance....
Hate HackEyes since c4 because they had more CON from the other two archer classes, DEX similar to elfs and STR similar to delfs. People that playing HE make me sick!!
It depends on what you want to do with the summoner!For example if you need a class to gather points @ olympiad, I believe Elemental Summoner is the best choice!
In general I dont like to play with overpowered classes and because in Dagger classes Adventurer and Abyss Walker are the most powerfull, I always playing with Plains Walker!
The first and best server I ever played was TheGame, but after it closed I tried a lot PvP servers. I cant say I got excited with any of them but the one that I liked more are : TehGamers and Hellion!
I dont know how people from foreign countrys pronouce it but most of greek people they call it "La - in - age" and its probably wrong!
The correct pronouncement is "Li - ni - atz" and i am sure of it!