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Everything posted by dymek1984

  1. this is in databesa.properties and this is in HikariConfig.class
  2. I have add all my customs (not so much that connect to db) same as l2jserver staff make. I have change wait_timeout = 33000; in maria db because hikaricp options are hardcoded and cant be changed, we will see if this change somethig. if not ill try to start clean l2jserver just for test if my custom make this error.
  3. i have check all my connections, and all are close after execute. I read that hikaripool error is not only in l2j server, and is fixed by change the two options: wait_timeout <- this is for sql max-lifetime <- this is for hikaricp i cant find where i can find the hikari options.
  4. Hi, i work on l2jserver develop ( MariaDB 10.5 Openjdk11 Everything was ok but when i test my server after some time (more than 12h) i get : i read that maxidletime and maxpoolsize have to be change but even when i changemaxidletime to 30 i have errors again after same amount of time. and at beggining of server loading have this info: My second error: i have change some options in config about flood protection but still have this error, this is while farming. ps. I have post this on l2jserver forum but it seems dead ;/
  5. L2 Giran Vs Aden NOW LIVE!!! New Faction H5 L2J Server Website http://www.l2gva.online If you are looking for a good pvp server where fighting becomes your life. You do not have to search anymore, this is what you need. Rates: Exp/Sp/Drop - Custom Starting with S Grade items +16 and full attribute. Starting lvl 81. Subclass - no quest. Max Subclass - 3. Max Level Sub - 85 LvL. Buff Slot: 26 + 4 buff slot, 12 dance/song. Enchant: Safe +4 Max +16 Enchant scrolls - Failure will not break the item and goes -1. Blessed Enchant scrolls - Failure will not break the item, it will also remain on the same enchant Enchant Rates chance decrases while increase enchant level. Elemental Maximum Level: 7 Elemental Stone Chance: 45% Elemental Crystal Chance: 35% Elemental stones apply auto system(ctrl click on more than 1 stone, add all available stones to item) Features: Custom Community Board Cancellation & Steal Divinity returning back buffs Dressme system, buyable dressme, try dressme before buy. Various fancy cloaks,armors,weapons and accessories for dressme. Services Manager with All needed functions Auto Loot, Lucky reward Offline Trade Auto learn skills Olympiad every weeks Subclass skills also work on subclass NPC Buffer (with already prepared buffs for classes and save your current buffs) Buff Duration: 1h Vote reward, Vote tattoo increases stats Auto Potions Toggle Skill (Auto casting your CP/HP/MP) Custom Boss System, There is only one boss at the time, after boss death new one will spawn in 1h-2h, teleport to boss in Teleporter npc. Premium system. 10 Events every 1h. Enter from Community Board. Advanced player info, shows stats and items for online players. Dps meter. Training Dummy in main towns count Damage Per Second and higher single damage. Fort buffs are for all faction that clan taken belong Rank system. More info in Community Board in game. Ability Board: Buyable skills by SP. More info in Community Board in game. Tab "Ability" New petition system: Write petition when Admin/Gm is offline, reply to petition when comes online. Community Board tab "Petitions" Premium: Exp/Sp +30%. Drop chance/amount + 20%. Enchanted buffs from buffer +15 and +30. Fame + 30%. Glory + 20%. Balance Changes: All stuns chance 100%, reuse 45 sec, duration 4-8 sec. All fears chance 100%, reuse 50 sec, duration 5-9 sec. All slows chance 100%, reuse 40 sec, duration 8-12 sec. All cancel target skills chance 100% reuse 45 sec. All silences chance 100%, reuse 35 sec, duration 4-8 sec. All sleeps chance 100%, reuse 30 sec, duration 7-11 sec. All immobilazed skills chance 100%, reuse 25 sec, duration 5-9 sec. All other debuffs chance 100%, reuse 1 min, duration 10-15 sec. (duration depends of target stats/skill mastery/buffs/debuffs) buffs reducing chance to debuffs/stins/mental attack now reduce time for debuffs. Those changes do not affect olympiad games. All classes get new skill: Remove shock/debuff - Removes all kinds of stuns/debuffs/fears/sleeps and grant you invisibility do stuns/debuffs/fears/sleeps for 5 sec. Added Diminishing Returns. Diminishing returns means that certain spells and abilities become less effective against a target if used frequently within a short period of time. All changes are to make the game more tactical instead of counting on luck. Use your class knowledge to defeat your opponent.
  6. try on www.l2gva.online
  7. Hi guys iam looknig for one gm that help me in game, my server is in beta state(H5) and need some fixes till start. For now i need one man (woman) that help me and after start will be GM. my skype bubudemolka please only serous applications.
  8. This is nothing else like normal dressme but you can chose items for dressme from html. It has auto divide items by type with config.xml, that means you need only add items id ex "2131;4324;3322;45345;55;53423" etc. This code is ready for H5 l2jserver but i can adapt to any other project. Here example: https://youtu.be/Zqs6oWPJj2g Config <weapons> <set ids="10;52;13457;13458;13459;13460;13461;13462;13463;13464;13465;134"/> </weapons> <armors> <set ids="15575;15572;15578;15581;15584;15576;15573;15579;15582;15585;1557"/> </armors> <accessories> <set ids="10175;10242;10241;9415;9414;9413;9412;9411;9410;9396;9395;9394"/> </accessories> add me on skype: bubudemolka 8)
  9. Hello, because I no longer play, I decided to go back to l2j. I am open to work. My Skype: bubudemolka
  10. There was a problem on getting server votes. There was a problem on getting server votes. There was a problem on getting server votes. Detroitas how you make it works?
  11. honestly I do not focus on the appearance of html
  12. Hi. I finished adapting phoenix event engine for aCis and willing to sell it. (pls dont tell me i cant sell it because iam not author, iam selling my time while adapting, checking, testing) Event manager moved to communityboard: not any event running register team event is running Also removed vote for event remain only scheduler. same prperties in Events.xml adapted to aCis rev. 360 Contact me on skype for more info My Skype: bubudemolka
  13. Hello, currently I do not have any clients so I am free and ready to do something. i can do full server and small requests. ( i prefer to do full servers, mostly done pvp servers ) i can work on any l2j project. add my skype: bubudemolka
  14. check zone where you have you multifunction zone, if is pvp_zone pvp points will not count
  15. L2Party party = getParty(); if (this.isInsideZone(ZoneId.MULTIFUNCTION_ZONE)) { if ((getPvpFlag() > 0) && (party != null)) { for (L2PcInstance PartyMember : party.getMembers()) { if (PartyMember.isInsideRadius(this, 1600, true, false) && (PartyMember != this) && Config.classes_ids_in_party_for_pvp.contains(PartyMember.getClassId().getId())) { L2MultiFunctionZone.givereward(PartyMember); } } } } this add in increasepvp in l2pcinstance and also create config
  16. in Multifunction.properties Delete Reward thats all
  17. already sold zone without teams and antifeed option for 30 so i think is still good price
  18. not interested? dont need to buy it. Exactly it a clients request to do that zone, all is couple ppl ideas in one
  19. Hello today i want to show you and sell ofc, my custom pvp zone with many configurable options. Here all option that can be set: Revive dalay - time to wait before revive if this time is 0 then html will appear with option revive me, to town, to main town. Dead message time and text - message that appear after played dies in zone. Zone locs and name - you can specify different zones and spawns for every zone that change every x time. Maps change every - x tmie. Reward id and count - reard every kill in zone. Big reward id and count - every zone change best player is rewarded if offline reward will be sent by mail. Fame amount and frequency - how many fame player earn when he is in zone. Enable teams - if true player is binded to team when enter zone first time . Remove player on exit - if player exit zone he is removed from team and is given new team on enter again, if false player is in one team until map change. Team reward id and count - reward for winning team. Enable tie - when tie both teams will be rewarded . Tie reward - reward for both teams . Enable antifeed - if enable players in the zone have randomly changed race and sex, disabled hair accessory, etc. completely hide player identify . Price is 30 Euro Ofcourse is possible to add more options. Contact to me skype: bubudemolka or Facebook Page
  20. no its not, everything is done by me.
  21. Hello. I sell Custom Community Board for H5 here movie to show you how it works and how it looks. Youtube Video Click me Also you can check my FB Page FB Page Click me for more info add me on skype: bubudemolka or send message on facebook
  22. if iam not wrong background for table is possible only in h5 and higher
  23. Hello Today i want to show you my website for sell here is 50% ScreenShot|: 15€ for the site. Contact with me Skype: bubudemolka
  24. Today i wanna sell Custom Community Board CB contains: Sheme Buffer, Teleporter, Raid and Grand Boss info, Castle Info, Top pvp, pk, fame, online and clan, Dressme, Playerinfo, New Region info, GM Shop. Community board is configurable to open in combat, specific zone (raid, siege, only in peace or town zone) also buffer and gm shop have config that allow only use multisell id or skill id that is in config. 1 Raid and Grand Boss Info + drop info. http://youtu.be/UNVyVQmCFm8 2. Scheme Buffer. http://youtu.be/OPfmsWcM98Y 3 Castle Info + castle manager. http://youtu.be/mmshTA8sTvc 4 Top pvp,pk,fame,online and Clan. http://youtu.be/9sJVehzS800 http://youtu.be/P2LTe4OrCwA 5. Dressme. http://youtu.be/ssepp8kAvFU 6. Player Info. http://youtu.be/T5rZUwjMlDw 7. Region. http://youtu.be/RvFMYDDKjHc 8. Gm Shop. http://youtu.be/3tX6swvnNx4 9. Teleporter. http://youtu.be/7LUm6Ilkrss Any questions? hit me on skype : bubudemolka Price 50 Euro only via paypal.
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