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Everything posted by dymek1984

  1. //PL: Moj angielski jest tak slaby ze mnie zle zrozumiales, chodzi mi o to aby dodac cos w rodzaju refleksji a nie animacji (dodałem animacje coś w rodzaju ognia ale wyglądało to masakrycznie ble) w castle cloaks nazwa zamku i logo na cloaku się mieni i o to mi chodzi aby na moim jaśniejsze części kobiety tez się mieniły. Wiem ze potrzebuje pliki _ori, _sp, bo takie są w castle cloak utx tylko one się niczym nie różnią jak otwieram w L2viewutx ale już nie pamiętam jakim narzędziem (programem) podglądnąłem i widziałem ze jeden to normalna tektura a drugi to napis i logo jest białe a reszta czarne tło tylko nie wiem jak to wszystko poustawiać w UE2 //ENG (translate) My English is so weak you understood me wrong, I mean to add something in the nature of reflection and not an animation (I added the animation kind of fire but it looked masakrycznie ble) in the name of castle cloaks and logo on cloaks the sparkles and I'm saying is that on my lighter is also part of the women shimmered. I know needs the files _ori, _sp, because these are in the castle cloak UTX only they are no different as I open the L2viewutx but I can not remember what tool (program) view and saw that one a normal texture and the second is a string and the logo is white and the rest black background just do not know how it all set up, in the EU2
  2. Thanks AVE thought that this is only insert animation
  3. reflections or something similar
  4. I mean to add a glow/reflection, as in other cloaks i have this texture : and wants to add it as a reflection dont wanna animation like in flash ;]
  5. Hello i make cloak but i would like to add an effect to my cloak, such as the castle cloaks
  6. This was my first job so far there is no effect, but the next will be of
  7. Admins Cloak http://www.4shared.com/file/xSvCFUGH/Admins_Cloak_by_Dymek84.html Credits=Dymek84 Me ;]
  8. I know it is from this forum but I did everything in one
  9. These are scripts on this board in one http://pastebin.com/VZpRu0By
  10. Nvm I have already what I wanted [pl] myślałem ze ktoś coś napisze mądrego aby pomoc mi. ;)
  11. may be a new column in characters.sql,
  12. Do you give advice to do so: When you PvP to earn points for killing another player in such a way that we get a % of his points and he lost them or had lost a little bit more than I'd earned, I mean killing a player gets 10% of his points and he loses 12%. (sorry for my english, that is translated)
  13. I have a problem with voicecomand after entering any command which nothing happens just part of the chat as I wrote, normally And when i start event Npc spawn but the have nothing to say ;/ i aplied the patch with eclipse autoamticly and everything was fine.
  14. hello
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