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Everything posted by dymek1984

  1. That is already checked, but it's such a clan who is not a castle
  2. It is possible that the item or armor he could wear only clan member and not anyone else? Like castle cloak can wear only owner of the castle
  3. the mean; if u have 200 pvp kills and pvp color system change ur nick to green, it would like to see such someone wrote in a chat on the green. (like hero wrote on the blue)
  4. Btw, have english version?
  5. here u have calculation fir both options
  6. U want sell this or what?
  7. have prblem with this npc. i use l2jserver files Gracia Epilogue and I had to change imports and: this; ("SELECT char_name, olympiad_points, competitions_done from olympiad_nobles where class_id=88 and competitions_done>=9 order by olympiad_points desc, competitions_done desc"); for this ("SELECT characters.char_name, olympiad_nobles.competitions_done, olympiad_nobles.olympiad_points FROM olympiad_nobles, characters WHERE characters.charId = olympiad_nobles.charId AND olympiad_nobles.class_id AND class_id=88 AND olympiad_nobles.competitions_done >= 9 order by olympiad_points desc, competitions_done desc"); worked well at first but after some time has stopped nothing shows
  8. I need to register there and write something or just or are quietly w8 ?
  9. Text: Dymek Theme: Lineage 2! Color: red/yellow SubText: Pride And Honor
  10. When serwer start?
  11. I changed to fame so as not to explain too much but I gave up. I added the item to drop for the bosses, who can replace for pvp points. Sorry I took your time and nothing came, and thank you very much for the Java science ;]
  12. http://l2bonethugs.ucoz.org/ lol I go to this server and here L2Revenge And it is not the first time
  13. played on four similar servers, the same NPC, farm zone, gm shop, etc.. What is some pre-loaded?
  14. Hello how do you feel in the new year? ;] I wrote a post on l2jforum for help and now have this code; @Override public boolean doDie(L2Character killer) { if (!super.doDie(killer)) return false; L2PcInstance player = null; if (killer instanceof L2PcInstance) player = (L2PcInstance) killer; else if (killer instanceof L2Summon) player = ((L2Summon) killer).getOwner(); if (player != null) { broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL)); if (player.getParty() != null) { int numberToAdd = 500 /player.getParty().getMemberCount(); for (L2PcInstance member : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(member, this.getNpcId(), (this.getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if(member.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(member.getObjectId(), this.getNpcId()); if (Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE2, this, member, true)) { member.setFame(member.getFame() + numberToAdd); member.sendMessage("You have earned " + numberToAdd + " Fame Points"); } } } else { RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(player, this.getNpcId(), (this.getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if(player.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(player.getObjectId(), this.getNpcId()); if (Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE2, this, player, true)) { player.setFame(player.getFame() + 500); player.sendMessage("You have earned " + 500 + " Fame Points"); } } } RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().updateStatus(this, true); return true; } This code works like this: The player does not get PvP Points out of the range, but the Rb killer gets only half cuz 2 players is in party Noe need added code here int numberToAdd = 500 / ??? ); ??? = get int members in range
  15. 3, me my friend and my bot ;]
  16. now is 1 me, but it's probably because he is not on either top site ;p
  17. Maybe you do not have anything on the epilogue?
  18. I do not know what I do, but I do not want to give up. In addition, the tooth hurts my head, I have the impression that you matches. do not know the fundamentals of programming in Java. public boolean doDie(L2Character killer) { if (!super.doDie(killer)) return false; L2PcInstance player = null; if (killer instanceof L2PcInstance) player = (L2PcInstance) killer; else if (killer instanceof L2Summon) player = ((L2Summon) killer).getOwner(); if (player != null) { broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL)); if (player.getParty() != null) { List<L2PcInstance> availableMembers = new FastList<L2PcInstance>(); for (L2PcInstance member : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { int numberToAdd = (500/(player.getParty().getMemberCount())); if (Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE2, player, member, true)) availableMembers.add(member); member.setPvpPoints(member.getPvpPoints() + numberToAdd); member.sendMessage("You have earned " + numberToAdd + " PvP Points"); RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(member, this.getNpcId(), (this.getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if(member.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(member.getObjectId(), this.getNpcId()); } if (!availableMembers.isEmpty()) return availableMembers.get(availableMembers.size()) != null; else return null != null; } Do not compile with this code cuz "if (!availableMembers.isEmpty()) return availableMembers.get(availableMembers.size()) != null;" < -- here eclipse give me quick fix [insert null check] here the same "else return null != null;" - It is strange, but I will not contradict with the eclipse. Or not what you meant and I'm stupid;] If I did everything wrong gives it a rest Edit; i read yor edit and did as written, but unfortunately the same story
  19. Merry chrismas for you too ;] I can not think, it hurts my tooth, broke a bone tomorrow I have to go to work. And i do as u wrote removed "!" and effect the same. and it does not matter whether the member is near or far.
  20. "if (!Util[util is class for calculating x, y, z, range angle etc for object from L2Object].checkIfInRange(range from object1 to object2, object1, object2, include zAxis[false or true] ));" that is my thinking on this for me i think important word is "count members in range" and the whole time I think on this
  21. public boolean doDie(L2Character killer) { if (!super.doDie(killer)) return false; L2PcInstance player = null; if (killer instanceof L2PcInstance) player = (L2PcInstance) killer; else if (killer instanceof L2Summon) player = ((L2Summon) killer).getOwner(); if (player != null) { int numberToAdd = 500; broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL)); if (player.getParty() != null) { numberToAdd = (500/(player.getParty().getMemberCount())); for (L2PcInstance member : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { if (!Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE2, player, member, true)); { member.setPvpPoints(member.getPvpPoints() + numberToAdd); member.sendMessage("You have earned " + numberToAdd + " PvP Points"); RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(member, this.getNpcId(), (this.getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if(member.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(member.getObjectId(), this.getNpcId()); } } } else { player.setPvpPoints(player.getPvpPoints() + numberToAdd ); player.sendMessage("You have earned " + numberToAdd + " PvP Points"); RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(player, this.getNpcId(), (this.getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if(player.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(player.getObjectId(), this.getNpcId()); } } RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().updateStatus(this, true); return true; } the same as in the previous post
  22. When i killl RB solo its ok 500 PvP Points. When i kill RB in party and 1 party member is far in town killer takes 250 PvP Pooints and member takes 250 PvP Points. why I want to add (!(Util.checkIfInRange... for checking member if in range. that "ToReward." is from distributionAdena but u tell me is wrong, now i don know what is wrong and where i must put code util for check who is in range.
  23. lost myself, I do not know what I have now remove. i need this; List<L2PcInstance> ToReward = FastList.newInstance(); and this: FastList.recycle((FastList<?>) ToReward); and if checkIfInRange is boolean type how do I calculate the number of players in the party and the range? now i have nothing new in code and stuck.
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