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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. mainly bg yes dont know the effects etc in ps yet will come ^^
  2. Heya guys, Just made my first signature in photoshop, used to use paint shop pro before.. its a big diffrence, can tell you that xD Know its black/white, but it just looked good this way. Anyway, i'm open for tips/critics: Original render: http://i44.tinypic.com/2yzejiw.png Signature: Kinda wanted to make the gun come out more... somebody an idea how to do it? Alrdy selected the gun here, duplicated it and set the actual render to 80% (if i remember well). If you got a better idea, let me know Greetz
  3. Credits are mine :p I shared them here already: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=217690.0
  4. Nasus... If you got good lanes, just farm. Only try to countergank... thats where u're good at. Ofcourse, if they are pushed against your tower, gank them :p If your lanes fail, just let them keep their towers up and you just keep farming ur jungle. If you manage to reach lategame, and somehow managed to not let ur opponements snowball to hard.. then u just Q all the way and grab those kills :p Once u ace them you can take atleast a tower or 2 and its GG Normal game: Max your slow Farm game: Max your Q then slow > Nasus can solo dragon at lv6, mind to grab some potions and a vision ward (just to be sure) Its always nice if ur support can help out, just mind that he doesnt walk trough a ward :p
  5. [en] I guess i can help I've done a lot of client modding in the past... been a while but whatever If you wouldnt mind msging me in english i'd be glad to help out.
  6. If you really want to play MS you should build your party around it... ms alone is rather weak, but when combined in a good pt you can pull off some good fights. When going ms try to get a full archer pt, which means: Supports: - Bishop - Dominator (Can be changed for 2nd bp... not really a fan of double bp, but fine) - Judicator (pdef buff and crit buff + curses...) - Tank or dreadnought! (I strongly recommend Dreadnought.. If the AeO stuns land you will have a huge advantage over the opposite team. As for tank i'd go with Shillen knight or Phoenix, basicly for the buffs :)... If you use Bp+Domi i recommand phoenix knight, since you'll get an extra cleanse on his pet) - Moonlight sentinel (You) - 4 Saggi/ Delf archers (Not a huge diffrence... Saggi might be better when chasing others with dash, but delf has great crt dmg... i'd just mix it up) If there are a lot of other archer parties on the server, swap the warlord/tank for bladedancer... Dance of bladestorm will help and wont effect you since it decreases matk only suggestions for your build: In party: * Elegia armor / focus bow (As for atribute, dont take Dark or Fire) * Dyes: Str+4/con-4 Dex+4/con-4 Wit+4/Int-4 (dunno if int is possible.. dont remember, just take -men then) * Buffs: Go full damage (Berseker + dance, gmight, blabla) > If you can take enough buffs, use acuman/dance of conc for your heal * Skill enchants: Stun and your passives, others arn't really needed... better give your books to your healers :p they need them more Just hit and run, stay on the back.. let your tank/warlord stay in the front to keep them all stunned/aggrod and learn to use a main assist^^ Really important for archers If you are main assist > When u cant kill the bp swap to one of the weak DD's, if you kill him or not it doesnt matter.. their bp's attention will be changed and then u swap back to the healer, will give u a second before he sees you're hitting him again. with a few lucky crits he's dead before he can pull off a heal :) As for solo, not much diffrence: * Vorpal armor/focus bow (Vorpal for more pdef, bit less patk... not a huge diffrence, but mwah) * Dyes same * Buffs Only drop the bersekers, if you really wanna go b!tchy take gshield > If you can take enough buffs, use acuman/dance of conc for your heal * skill enchant the same To pvp... Hit and run, if needed try to pull a heal off. If possible, avoid 1v1 pvp... just kite from the sides and pick off the kills :) Enjoy :p
  7. Heya guys, was wondering if anybody has any free beta keys for dragon's prophet? Game seems promissing and wanna try it out. Website: https://www.dragonsprophetthegame.com/ Some video's of gameplay: Dragon's Prophet (Gameplay) Thanks in advance :)
  8. Tryn CS and check time would love to have those players in my team, good cs numbers :p
  9. I'd say, focus on the pvp classes first (if we're talking about highrate ofc) If you manage to get those.. somehow "balanced" (which will take a while :) ) then start maybe doing the less-popular classes like pp, summoners etc. But L2 has 36? classes or smthng.. i think its kinda impossible to make 36 diffrent classes, with mostly everybody having diffrent skills and stats and some shared skills, balanced. But i'll never say never :p Enjoy
  10. My guess? They said at LCS that Mf and Twitch are currently the best Adc :p
  11. L2net works without problem on Hi5.. even works on GoD just when the server has lameguard protection you can't connect normally... some ppl sell dll's to bypass it (will cost you some :p)
  12. "black screen with L2Avera Network" Paint makes that... I guess you should atleast provide a render/preferred colors if u want a bit decent-looking signature...
  13. Eating, eating, drinking, eating, watching fireworks, kissing all girls from the neighbourhood and then.. I guess i wont see my bed tonight :)
  14. https://www.kabam.com/games/wartune
  15. zRanger should do fine, will cost you a bit (1st month is free) but its pretty advanced Forums are mainly in russian... so you'll have to write ur own scripts, or find somebody who knows russian Xd
  16. So you wanna limit yourself to 1 small country?... I wouldnt do that for sure...
  17. Mobafire is another website But i recommend solomid then xD
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