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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. Nah,, me no likes rockets and blowing things up like any boy ^^
  2. Well then pay him 3.33 euro for finding the diffrence ^^
  3. Welcome and enjoy :p posts is just a matter of time :) just don't spam...
  4. Got 2350 rp atm wanna wait till 2600 for bundle of rune pages :p
  5. Lol? http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/news/pulsefire-ezreal-coming
  6. Everybody can die in the near future,, You never know :)
  7. janna, soraka, leona, alistar, sona, taric, blitz, luv them all :p Didnt play ali lately..
  8. Depends a bit on what char i am on tanky supp like taric/leona i get a bit armor or mr first instead of shurelia's worked always fine for me, and bit of def can save your oracle ones :)
  9. i usally try to carry around with 3 wards once i got my philo, boots and heart of gold i'm almost always with 5 wards >> or oracle with less wards Usually when i got those items laning phase is kinda over, so i start roaming and helping in teamfights ofc.
  10. I've had this discussion before with somebody else I prefer running Exh over CV just bcs exh is able to pick up a kill, or be used as an escape tool. I used cv in the beginning.. ye its really easy for the jungler to counterjungle with it.. but well i prefer spending some more money on wards and be able to exh AD carries in team fights (lowers their dmg output by a lot.. or scaring them away sometimes xD) So from my experience Exh > Cv .. in most cases (i don't say always ^^)
  11. me (as support player) i prefer having flash/heal or ghost/heal on the carry and having flash/exh on support. Simple reason... support should be roaming once he got his g/10 items and assisting on ganks over the map (or ganking solo if possible > for example blitz, taric) Heal on carry is then usefull cause he might face a 2v1 lane so the heal keeps him up a bit.. ofc support isnt always roaming, he mainly tries to stay close to bot to assist when needed. (just my idea of playing :p)
  12. This isn't a script... it's just a file in which you saved some options you've set using the basic options from l2net
  13. You need to be a vip or donator member to see something that's shared for free on the official site? Here are the latest versions: http://www.insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/339-Latest-L2-Net-Version ...
  14. Tsm totally crushed them xd was forced to watch it on my mam's pc.. my wireless internet is totally fcked
  15. http://www.own3d.tv/MLG/live/315061 CLG EU vs Tsm comming up MLG tourny
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