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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. Buy a better pc, better internet. I'd put a part on a bank account for my brother when he leaves the house, and the rest i'd save :p Just finish college.. maybe just work part time after and enjoy my life :)
  2. Nasus doesnt rlly 'kill' his toplane... he just farms and keeps him busy up there. At about 20-30mins in the game nasus goes into teamfight and kills basicly everything. Darius... well, once he snowballs.. you're just fcked Best way to stop a darius is to get an aggresive jungle or toplane with good amounts of cc (since he doesnt have any escape basicly) and gank him at lower levels
  3. Ye.. i'm just gonna sleep they'll keep remaking those matches anyway so maybe i'll get to watch m5's match when i wake up :) Goodnight
  4. They should just fix this and continue an extra day tomorrow... this is just *bleep*
  5. I hope clg takes the third game then hopefully a final between m5 and clgeu and m5 wins <3
  6. Everything crashed, will be a rematch for game2 new picks/bans everything
  7. I'm asking this for a friend of me from another game :p But yes its a gfx forum and he was looking for an invite hoped somebody here was on that forum and could throw him an invite :)
  8. Heya, Friend of me asked if anybody was member at Dribbble.com its basicly a forum/website where u can show ur creations etc. Friend of me from a game would like to get invited there, anybody is member there or knows somebody who is, and could throw him an invite? Thanks in advance!
  9. Just did Anivia jungle xD Had to try it one day... Might not be the best jungler but with a good leash on blue i could clear everything pretty normal Was lv4 at 3m40sec, so i guess its pretty normal After lv6 jungle goes dang fast with ur ult.. u do need blue kinda the whole game so kennen/vlad/kat or smthng mid would be nice xD But he dies to fast to be real jungler... if you get countered, well you can wall him out or stun.. but he whoever you face, he pretty much kills you.
  10. I'd say basicly copy the features of the existing bots (l2net, l2control, l2tower, zranger,...) They kinda have all features needed, maybe you find smthng extra
  11. SK lost candy panda and Dedrayon O.o Poor oce no team anymore
  12. Kills don't matter It's the gold in ur pocket that counts :)
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