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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. Hey guys, Been using l2net now for about 3 years (only private servers) and i'll share some of the scripts i mainly used over the years. I also use L2Tower and zRanger.. so some of my scripts might not look usefull on it's own, but in combination with other programs, they will xD Not going to give to much support with these scripts, if you understand even a little bit from l2net you'll figure them out. Scripts are really basic for the most part. Scripts i shared are mostly for freya or High5. This means they might work on other clients, but i can't promise that/neither will i test it :P Some scripts i have for years.. so i can't give proper credits to all of the creators. Most scripts i got came straight from L2Net forum (http://www.insane-gamers.com/) and I editted them to my needs. Scripts in the pack: - Advanced Enchanting script (made by iosc) - Anti-backstab (made by Knoxville) > turns character around instead of using a skill to turn around - Attributing (made by mochitto) - Auto augment High5 (made by ..unknown) > put the files from the "include" folder inside your l2net folder named "include" - Auto augment Freya (modified script from hi5) - Clan reputation for highrates (L2Net will click for you on that dwarf in Rune town to buy clan rep for those alliance items) - OOG Clan buffers (It's a really messy script since it's assembled by me, originally made by Phear3d) - CP bots > Changes to all 3 subs, uses summon cp on all subs. Possibility to add a loop to rebuff - Enchanting (Think only freya, not sure) - Skillenchant (Made by Phear3d) - Talismans from fort/castle > exchanges KE for talisman, deletes the useless ones and keeps the usefull ones > just put "//" in front of the ones you need. It will delete all the ones without "//" Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/Td3mkfjC/L2Net_Scripts_Michaeltje.html? Enjoy :)
  2. First script i used worked the same, for example for a bishop i'd use trance. Then i found this script (isnt mine btw.. dunno where i got it from, have it for years) but it works well :)
  3. it turns ur char around, used it on my ol few years ago :p didnt use it lately anymore
  4. http://www.4shared.com/rar/DxPG8Loi/autoaugment_full.html? auto augment (freya i think) http://www.4shared.com/file/oBhAFOCr/Auto_Augment_H5.html? Auto augment (should be high5) http://www.4shared.com/file/orDEcUnQ/Antybackstabsilver.html? anti-backstab (needs key) Maybe another intresting one: http://www.4shared.com/file/wZKlUdjf/CP_Michaeltje.html? uses summon cp, changes sub, summon, changes sub,... just leave ur bot running OOG and if you pm "give" to your bot he will mail 'x' amount of cp's to your account. Need to edit your name and amount of cps in the script :p If you want you can add an extra loop to rebuff every X hours. Another intresting one: http://www.4shared.com/rar/-MeHFBEb/Clan_buffers.html? Clan buffers, buff on commands given in ally chat (can be changed) Maybe i'll make once a topic with all my l2net scripts :p Enjoy ^^
  5. Also won 8 out of 10 and started as silver2 :p
  6. Heya guys Somebody has a program to extract/edit ukx files? Don't need help on how to do it, just need the program xD Only thing i found was a topic from Critical dated back to 2008 with dead links :p (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=18034.0) Need the program to get the texture of the shoulders: Those are in Fighter.ukx xD If somebody can help me, i'd appreciate it Greetz
  7. Orianna support -> added to my support pool :p Shield is sometimes slow, other then that.. shes great as support bit mana hungry, but once you get the lane going it snowballs really fast. (mainy using it with miss fortune or tristana)
  8. http://www.4shared.com/rar/DxPG8Loi/autoaugment_full.html? Dats augment script for freya (l2net) Guess you can adapt it to other clients
  9. Was just having fun :p Was constantly selling/buying items.. this is where i ended with
  10. made account on NA server... This are kinda the teams you get against bots:
  11. Why u want to send a virus to your friend...
  12. Watched littlejenny yday playing 5's with Sirens :p They got crushed O.O
  13. Anybody wanna do some normals (euw) ? Can use some IP with these boosts :p
  14. Voted Gold, Came into ranekd as silver2 atm after my provisions, wanna do more normals first before going back into rankeds xD If i make it to gold i'm alrdy happy :p
  15. There is.. in my opinion When playing against an heavy counter jungling champion like... shaco, elise, master yi,.. some others Nunu is a decent pick since he has great sustain (can start even with less pots so you can get a ward > oddone's build) His clear time isnt super fast, but its good. Ganks are maybe a bit less but you have a blood boil for your adc late game And cmon.. gotta love that yeti's laugh/dance. So i think hes still decent as jungler, maybe even more then support. I'd pick him into those counter junglers, certainly with a vayne on your team or kogmaw.
  16. L2Net and L2Tower all you need.. Where is zRanger? gotta have that Btw, you're chyba on l2dodge.. or again a fanboy? on-topic: That amumu feeded a bit.
  17. Dis And basicly rush locket, after that see what the team needs If nobody goes aegis, you take it, otherwise just build more and more tanky and become an annoying tree xD
  18. Was zilean support with vayne... At 10mins in vayne was 0/4.. i went AP and won the game. conclusion; Zilean still OP :happyforever:
  19. Yay, Silver 2 after my provisions :) Lost last match... blitz who kinda fcked up
  20. Update: Game went into open beta today for free players. (Players that bought the pack could log since yesterday) Due to high demand and some problems with ppl's connections, the game is down till 23.00 CEST (10.00pm UK) Also they will open 2 new servers to reduce the amount of players logging in on 1 server. Website: https://www.dragonspropheteurope.com/en/ Source: https://www.dragonspropheteurope.com/en/news/server-downtime-two-new-realms-155 Btw: servers open again in 10mins from now
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