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Everything posted by ariasnoff

  1. With no potection ? bot protection? ddos? sorry but server will fail...
  2. not only DDOs... what about BOT !!!! protection... lameguard???
  3. ahhahahaaahha no protection at all on this server...
  4. Please lower the posts quantity 333 its too much man.
  5. Hello it would be very interesting to have 1 thread with all the basic or pro protections for our servers, if any pro dev could share some of them will be awesome ! thanks may in here will apreciate it.
  6. Man can u tell me how to de-encrypt the passwords from the database ? i've got many of them but as u know the Navicat saves them as codes or crypt, where can i resolve the real password ? thx
  7. I love to play minigames on jobs on this game... a good point for this release...
  8. Im tired of waiting for this title...
  9. Cant wait for proto2 its so hardcore !!!
  10. just create a new custom npc, with the same properties from a hi lvl monster, increase his stats and name it like other mob in the area, the bot will hit it and die...
  11. Maybe your server its banned from the rank site ?
  12. Im getting an error on the castlemanager when the gameserver is loading, any solution ???
  13. Hello everyone, Im looking for some help for SETTING UP my SERVER... I want to learn, or get someone to show me how to connect the information on my database or SQL to the website.... like, account manager creation, pvp-pk ranks, castle stats, online counter, etc... can someone give me a hand, I will really apreciate it thx... I have allready 1 main IP and 2 extra IP on my dedicated, for teamspeak and others but i dont know well how to set it up... thx again ppl
  14. Fail... the best option to play its l2.ws official hi5 files... over 2 k ppl on beta at the same time.
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