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Everything posted by ariasnoff

  1. I think this server gonna rock... hope the ddos protection its enough for the fcking attacks that some ppl that is actually reg on this forum will do...
  2. Sure... ill let this die now and u will still with ur silly BUMP ! ;) GL with your offline shops server :D hahaha
  3. Pfhahahahahahhahaa Only ur mind can tough that having 800 offline shops would make u have 4000 players online hahahahah like that would be a factible math rule .... 90% doesnt dualbox? sure... keeping in mind that 50% or more of it is a crappy offline shop... super duper offline shop with b grade and a grade trash.... or most of them with mats or another de-valuated price due of the death economy.... keep dreaming on your server's resurection.... BTW... where is your Bump !!!! :D
  4. rzx ure wrong for experience a server with 1 Gbit connected at 100 Mbit can host up to 600 -800 players without lag and depending on the hability of the dev to settup the server... I think that machine will be ok for a while...
  5. Well Nekys, actually u cant say that every dualbox its good for a server's economy... be serious... an offline shop with trash and garbage isnt good for economy, its good to fill your posts with nosense 1k online counter... its not weird even to think that most of thoose offline shops were maded by u, having in count that u are a fan of deserted servers with 500 offline shops maded by who knows who and even without knowing if thoose players allready left the server... keep it real bro and +1 for ur effort... and yes -1 for ur negligence...
  6. hahahahahaha so you wish +++++ offline boxes ? are u retarded or what... sure lets have a server with 500 offline shops and 300 chars on, still having dualbox on that makes u a server with 150 cool assholes =)
  7. hahahahahahaha so "pro" u forgot to clean or change the tags of the npc's HTML's ahhahahahha another L2 Dubai copy paste...
  8. Gonna be hosted on a decent dedicated server or is it homemaded ?
  9. Is it hosted on a dedicated server and do you have bot protection ?
  10. Wait a second, is it a homemaded server or is hosted on a decent dedicated server ?
  11. and how many offline shops :)
  12. Server is cool but buffer npc still says l2 dubai ... ¬¬ lol ?
  13. DemiGods Spanish Speaking Members Clan, allready registered to this project. Si son de habla hispana, pueden aplicar al clan en el Topic de Clan/Ally del foro del servidor http://www.l2silver.com/?q=node/155
  14. Sinnocent shut up pls, RPG club has the best servers u can play but u are kind of noob and play only 25x + servers :)
  15. Im not a hater its just... every fan from Gracia Final will play on RPG club's new release so I think u Nekys are pretty lost with ur dead server... soz but its the true...
  16. Seriously delete the 4x server, u are splitting the quantity of players u might be gettin with this project !
  17. 1 Important thing I noticed on last months, since the vote reward systems of the servers are making the players, or forcing them to vote rewarding them with really important items in server, please be specially carefully with this, many ppl is having problems to get the IP recognized by hopzone, topzone, gamesites200 so if u will add a vote system make sure to offer not much important items in exchange of the votes, like examples i have seen in serveral servers, items like enchanting books, dynasty essense II and SoulCrystals... so the ppl who cannot get their votes taking in count will leave the server due of the difference between a player who can get the reward and the ppl who is not able to... Another thing if you are willing to give a hand to players to reach rare or important items, keep in mind the PC bang point system, maybe u can set a rate for it that allows ppl to get their Soulcrystal lvl 14 15 16 ... after a good time of playing, the main problem of this servers this days is that u reach vesper sets in 2 days, and then getting elegia or vorpal its something almost impossible, would be awesome to balance the farming for vorpal in LOA in the way that with 1 or 2 pt u can get decent vorpal drops, that way u are not stucking the server and u will be able to set donations for vesper items 1 or 2 months after u open the server... I worked with Divinity 1 so I kinda know what im talking about....
  18. This new servers are being attacked constantly by... Obama...
  19. I wpuld love to join this !!! but when is live ??? DDos protection ? bot protection ???
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