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Everything posted by Vagrancy™

  1. Maybe it will help someone to adapt it is vote reward system with command (.getreward) is working 100% on H5 servers and its for L2Network.eu https://github.com/L2TopNetwork/TopNetowrk
  2. i am always online just send me a msg if you have the necessary posts
  3. i have spoke already with PARADISE and he dont have enough time to work with the project, as he told me is abroad for business...
  4. Do it to my server that and i will guarantee 100% Uptime! try with 100 boots You cant there are many tips search them
  5. OVH is perfect just you need to setup Harden the TCP/IP Stack...there are many guides for that, Stalone use ESSYN-SYN Attack for some seconds, thats why you have lag, Trust me if you do it this mode you will never have probelm with stalone boy
  6. eisai lathos file.... otan kapoios su mhlaei gia meres kai esu ton grafeis kai den tou dineis shmasia kapoia stigmh ftaneis sta oria kai tha to kaneis....otan sumfwneis kati kai su lene se 3 meres tha to exeis prpei na to exeis....enhmerwneis ton alon twra gia to dispute tha to ekane panw sta neura tou afou o tupas den mhlage katholou...kai gia poio lgo afou exei teleiwsei to script na mhn to dwsei? einai dikaiologia auth? auto shmainei anorimotita kai giftia
  7. L2OFF Account Panel with FULL Donation System and Shop category...Working on Vanganth & Depmax64 IL...Rent Only!

  8. L2OFF Account Panel with FULL Donation System and Shop category...Working on Vanganth & Depmax64 IL...Rent Only!

  9. L2OFF Account Panel with FULL Donation System and Shop category...Working on Vanganth & Depmax64 IL...Rent Only!

  10. with 2008 he can set up the server BUT he should remove the hyper-threading and turbo boost....if not he will have problem
  11. the second is from l2off server called hAuthD ( login server ) the first one i dont know exaclty
  12. even you buy it from Vanganth or someone else he will not help you at all..he dont have time to make to you the packets redirects on linux
  13. He need to add a 2-3 Proxy Servers on the same login are you sure is working like that? for example: 1) main location 2) Brazil proxy 3) US Proxy 4) EU Proxy Show my how it will work? this is if you are using Proxy Protection not for proxy logins (as i know) [adv] proxy=
  14. you will need a custom hAuthD for proxy servers...and then you can only put the proxies IPs there: is something like that
  15. You can buy vps with linux and setup packet redirection on specific port to your game server ip port (7777). search how to make packet redirection
  16. i never had downtimes with ovh for first server is a good choice
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