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Everything posted by Trance

  1. :happyforever:
  2. Ubuntu, from my point of view.
  3. Dafuq is that, 3k+ having 30 members on forum.
  4. Blana filmul.
  5. Because he was rejected in 2013, haaaaaaahaaaaaahaaaa. By the way, I know the set.
  6. Trance


    It happens.
  7. Nu ai ce sa faci, numai mods au voie sa umble la karma in spam section.
  8. E o regula ca pula, poti da karma pentru orice munca, dar sa nu fie data in spam section. De parca nu la tot acelasi numar ajungi.
  9. Cica unguroaicele sunt frumoase =)))) Au trecut pe langa el 2-3 romance din transilvania si gata... s-a udat tot.
  10. You're not me, no offence.
  11. Hahaha
  12. Of course they are.
  13. Ferry Corsten now, he ROCK!
  14. Tomorrowland day 3
  15. Mutu fute pamantul.
  16. XP bar is fine.
  17. Black version should be for normal members. Then, other colors + full stars for staff. Edit: "M" is fine for mods, and numbers for members, since it's w/ exp.
  18. Better.
  19. Your imagination is NOT limited, so I would like to see a second version. I like the current ones too, using another size.
  20. Slujitoruleeee
  21. It's a preview.
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