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Everything posted by Trance

  1. Eu cand e sa ma duc iau un steag sa-l tin in aer : )), sau cel putin pe un bat.
  2. Eu am vazut in prima zi, minim 3 steaguri romanesti.
  3. arata din setul lui de acu' 1 ora, dar va schimba inapoi ;D
  4. Eu m-as fii putut duce anul trecut, dar m-au lasat balta 2 pr. Anul asta nu am avut bani ca m-am mutat si s-a dus totul.
  5. Ploua, si crowdul se aude mai tare decat muzica ;dddddddddddd
  6. Nowhere, nu prea am timp as always ;DD
  7. Armin! The crowd is driving crazy, even when it rains.
  8. Acu' am ajuns acasa din mamaia, m-am intalnit cu niste tovarasi din l2 : )), si maine dimineata ma duc in Costinesti, also l2 related.
  9. In interior, da.
  10. You should get out of the house and deal with the real world. In any case, they steal the sound and elements from House & Trance, this shitty called "Dance" or Pop, by artists such a Will.I.Am. Even Madonna said it, Electronic Dance Music is the future, maybe you're trolling, but you can't say that are retarded, it's logical, you're the one who's retarded.
  11. Dislike this crap, please! :troll: :troll:
  12. Not a good idea.
  13. Enterworld & Subclass Change is already there.
  14. Take L2J clean.
  15. I forgot to update UseItem.java Check it now.
  16. Yeah, go ahead.
  17. Try this, this code isn't tested. I used reasureHunter & adventurer as examples. http://pastebin.com/N72TLrQF It's for UseItem only, so it's bugged.
  18. Daca era prea bun. ;DDD
  19. By the way, Crystalin. Markus Schulz a avut un set de 12 ore la Tomorrowland. Propiul sau stage. :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  20. Tiesto playing Trance & Hardstyle ;DD
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