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Everything posted by Trance

  1. I'm sorry about that, I'm not afraid to admit it. It happens to not read everything when someone is under stress. - private void unEquipItemInBodySlot(int slot) + public void unEquipItemInBodySlot(int slot)
  2. Conteaza daca-l folosesti, dar ca un utilizator normal de internet din romania, nu ai nevoie de el.
  3. You're right. I didn't see "not". You should probably eat a d1ck.
  4. Next time when you're just "saying", think about it twice. I've added 3rd classes, how can you bypass them by changing the 3rd class? "As I mentioned in my previous post" you don't know the 3rd classes. If you add the 2nd classes too, it's fully working.
  5. It's an example, don't you want me to code for them the whole server? they're free to add all the classes or whatever they want. by the way, there are the 3rd class, don't you know the classes from lineage? my bad I didn't see "not" word.
  6. For example I've made here, you can't equip bow on tank. http://pastebin.com/XXTbLhDX
  7. Me too, hahaha.
  8. Mobs as template, this thing destroys the game. ;DD
  9. It's like having a l2 server with 20 players and the gameserver leaves them to flame instead of banning them. I personally would prefer to have 5 players, instead of.
  10. You should try to face the real world sometimes. ;DDDDD
  11. It's the internet nowadays, the parents can't handle them, so they leave them in front of the computer to have an escape. ;DD
  12. Just to know, the word "trolling" is an excuse to hide stupidity beyond humans and grammar on the internet.
  13. It's all about mindset, some of them are freaking retarded.
  14. Well, they shouldn't add stuff like, to let each class to wear whatever they want. But it's freaking retarded to make that happen in java, what he asked for. It's crappy, also you have to use EnterWorld too, to unequip the current items. So it's a mess.
  15. It's freaking retarded to do that, they can't wear certain items. It's better to make a passive skill for each class, decreasing accuracy and stuff whne you wear x weapon or armor.
  16. my birth year :happyforever: :happyforever:
  17. My post count ;DDDDD.
  18. Nu-mi place sa vad trailerul de la urmatoarele episoade. ;DD
  19. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
  20. M-am mutat ;DD
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