Rev 107
ConfirmDlg? refactor, SummonFriend? fix
you can now add multiple things in ConfirmDlg? (popups for ress, summon friends, wedding accept). Timer, Zone area and many more are now supported.
Timer (30 seconds) and requesterId (fix bugged accept issue) added for Summon Friend. The popup shows too the zone where the requester is.
corrected an issue (when charm of courage will work, it would make the accept button buggy aswell).
modified the generic wedding popup generic for another (normally correct the "?" typo).
IsInCombat? fix. Fix "pets stuck in combat" issue (couldn't unsummon if you "attack" then "stop" the attack before the pet attacks).
Rev 108
AdminCommands? refactor, HTMs spring clean
deletion of //set (if I got many whines on forum, I will add it back, but not on this version anyway). I know it can be useful (modifying configs ingame directly), but not this form (or you have to memorize each godamn config).
drop of AdminTest? ; the only survivor, //st, has been moved to AdminSkill?.
merge of AdminShutdown? && AdminLogin? (read DP side).
DP side
remove of //recall_npc ghost button
accountinfo cleaned, charskills updated (add of removereuse button + broken link fix)
merge of shutdown && login, to maintenance