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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. lol wait. whats wrong if i register on other forum? are we somehow bound to this place? xDD
  2. Are you trying to imply that pokemon go can gather more people in one place than lets say market square? There already are lots of public places with tons of people so...
  3. Nikt tego nie robi bo sie po prostu nie oplaca.
  4. Why every drama has to be in greek? Btw Elfo is a cool guy, leave him and his duties alone!
  5. You say? can you give me a link to one? :)
  6. Then better dont look into l2j code Kappa
  7. Kalispera, who wrote that evil downcasting malaka?
  8. Moni moni is ruling the world. "Sad storka", as the classic says. Are you botting here somehow?
  9. No, it does not have Say2 functionality working with SG.
  10. Paid adr does not have spambot. I am able to make any kind of bot. Yet another well informed person thinking that adr is gods given gift to mere mortals.
  11. Dude can you leave for 2 weeks, go outside or something. Thank me later.
  12. Of course, you can make operator plus with logic of minus :) I've been suspecting the virtual function table but the template thingy made me worry a bit, because what stops you from using it with lets say int? :) disaster!
  13. I've spent quite some time trying to understand that monstrosity. Can you explain whats goin on here? void IncRef(const char *file, const int line) { reinterpret_cast<void(*)(T*, const char*, int, UINT32)>( (*reinterpret_cast<void***>(obj))[1])(obj, file, line, type); } void DecRef(const char *file, const int line) { reinterpret_cast<void(*)(T*, const char*, int, UINT32)>( (*reinterpret_cast<void***>(obj))[2])(obj, file, line, type); } And by the way, operator * returns T&, not T*
  14. My sentence did not contain even a grain of irony. What about stop behaving like the center of forum's attention you stupid maggot?
  15. It was pretty obvious since the game release, nothing new here.
  16. Wait what did you say? We have program for pirate servers? XD
  17. Depends on features. If all you need is global chat spam with delay that shouldnt be that hard. If you want to spam every person around, that would take much more effort to create.
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