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  1. Okey Dude/Girl :). I guess each member here have their own opinion. Thx for answers tho. Will just start by reading some L2J code and start to test things out. Just downloaded SQL and Eclipse on my local computer, the hardest thing always is to start something. :) Probable will need some help with the configuration and mathematics later on which I`ll ask in other topic. Ah... One more think. I do not get why there are shares for certain chronicle versions. I think - with little editing you can adjust code to any version you want. I do not think that there is such a huge different in the source between the versions. Also I noticed that there are many releases which are pretty similar. Why developers here do not unite to make one good code, not 3 unfinished and shitty ones. Sorry for such dumb questions I guess, it just made me wonder. And can somebody answer me about the second question which I had. Are there some custom scripts in VIP/Donator section which are not in normal ones? Because in building process it would be helpful. Simply do not want to donate to this forum in the first day of joining. :P
  2. So players who still plays L2 chooses Interlude? I guess the main and most important thing for beginning is balanced classes and balanced skills.
  3. I simply do not like forum geeks. Went to introduction section, saw ur comments there, saw ur reply here - It`s all clear by me. I came here with certain issues, wanted to hear a certain answers. Not reading your reply with your opinion about how my message gave you a cancer. I`m not 16 years old anymore. I know what I want to do. That`s why I came - to know some answers. I do not care what you think about 99 % of users / developers or progress here - within this forum or in whole Lineage 2 codding. In others words. I came here to ask what to choose - dog or cat. And how much space they ask for. But you starting to tell me how animals are hard to look after for. How much free time they asks and how much IQ I need to have to teach them to sit or talk. Maybe it sound like I`m a bad person, but everybody how knows me from other forums can guarantee that I`m NOT. Please do not make any more off topic discussions in my post - I will not answer them. I respect you. I have nothing against you.
  4. Thx for your advise. I was also thinking of going with H5 or Interlude. Checked ur home page, checked ur prices, bacically if I join your community, it costs me 150 euros for lifetime support. In that case, if you really have a plans for next 4 years and you will not abandon your projects and have daily updates. It`s really cheap and good offer. It`s just a little bit sad that I cannot see the changelog. So I cannot actually see what you are editing before I make the payment. So I cannot see what you have already done since you have started ur work with the best H5 emulator on the internet. ;) I`m interested but not ready to join because I want to check the L2J source, check if I really want to do all this and get acquainted with the game. Also are you not afraid that Lineage 2 will become very un-popular because it`s pretty old game? And after 4 years nobody will play it? Ur message made me laugh :) I guess there are some "optimists" in every forum community. Don`t worry, won`t even bother to argue with you about ur opinion. Just want to make some things clear here... 1. Did not say I want to make fail server. Just asked ur advise about best chronicle. 2. Did not say I want to make a live server for all world. Maybe for some local players from my own country. 3. I do not need to learn Java. I have learned it for 4 years in my school. It`s just that some time have passed so I have forget some things. That`s the main reason why I want to make Lineage II server. It`s a good practice of coding, I`m not making a live server for 1000 players and dev. plans for next 5 years. ;) So don`t worry about that bro, you would not be even able to join it. 4. You can learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator in 1 - 2 weeks. 5 days for each. At least it made me that much when I was learning it for my work. Codding is like writing an essay, If you do know how long it will take you to write one A4 page essay and than multiply that amount for example with x50 or x100 then it`s ur damn problem. Not guy`s problem who just joined this forum. And I`m doing it for myself, so I don`t need to hire a developer. Still thx for your respond. Some times criticism is good. If I knew English better, I could explain ur my thought much easier. P.S You have so many forum posts and still no idea about programming? Weird... Secondly - If you have a cancer, I advise you to go to hospital. ^_^ Haha, It` not only in Lineage II. I think all custom made scripts in many different games have a clean code problems. It`s because some of guys have learned to code by their self looking at examples from others guys in internet. They have never visit IT courses. You can write the code different and it will work both ways. The trick is to write it as short as possible with the correct syntax. What do you mean by annoying? Please explain a bit more.
  5. Hi guys. Once when I was a kid I was playing Lineage II. It was chronicle 4. It was exciting time and good experience for me at that time of period. Because of my free time and to refresh my Java codding knowledge I want to try out making a server of my own. I`m getting started by saying sorry about my poor english, haven`t time to practice anymore. Have past several years since I last wrote any text in another language. So getting back to my topic. Before I start to learn L2J structure, I wanted to ask few question to experience users in this forum. 1. Which chronicle you advise me to use for my first test server? I have already explored this forum a little bit and found out that there are many chronicle, many projects, several custom packs and much more.... Also many projects are dead and inactive. For example If I choose an Interlude, I probable should go with aCis right? Because it has clean code, many bug fixes, right? And if I choose the latest version of Lineage 2 which is Ertheia I guess then I should choose L2J, simple because it is the only dev. in that version. Also If I visit L2J home page. I see that Core builds with High Five version have been updated in 10-11-2015 but Ertheia which is I guess is the latest version had an update only in 2014 year and it led me to think... Is L2J still alive? Then I visited L2J bitbucket and I saw that L2J have some updates recently and it says that master branch is currently High Five. So I don`t get it? Is the latest version High Five? Anyways... Lets say I take the latest version of L2J, will there be many bugs in all the new features? And what about the old features? Cus from my experience I can tell that with new versions they sometimes broke all the old things which used to work good. Maybe my idea is to big and I`ll be not able to work with L2J simply because of the huge loads of code which I`ll need to fix for all new items / quests / etc. to work correctly Also what about the players of Lineage 2? Which version do they like most? Which version is most popular today? 2. I see that half of this forum is only for VIP`s / Donators. I don`t mind donating money to this forum if the users are friendly and helpful. I just want to know if the sections which is only for premium users have some extra content and extra code available which I can use in my server. 3. How much time it will make me to understand L2J server source structure and logic? I will have 1 month free time - August. In this month I want to build a server and then start to test it with live players. Lets say I`m not a Pro at Java codding but I can easily read and understand code. Also I can distinguish bad codding from good one and make some bug fixes in the code. Also I can write some code of my own but not I`m not PRO at it. That`s probable it for now. Maybe you have some other advises for me. I hope for good comments, with respect - Slash.
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