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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. We from Lineage II Wicca wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day! May you be happy and feel loved. The launch is fast approaching! With love, your L2 Wicca Staff
  2. This is much better, now we are talking. I won't comment the text. It looks okay but pretty standard and nothing outstanding. Not sure how I should about the "aura" you put around Kirito. But it doesn't look too bad. Anyways, this one is certainly better than the second, imo.
  3. We are working hard to bring you a truly fresh experience. :)
  4. Well, I never watched a lot of tutorials and just kept going because I was interested in Photoshop. You will get better the more time you spend on PS. But you need to genuinely want it. As for those signatures: They are typical for a beginner. All the common mistakes that the other guys already pointed out. But that's normal. EVERYONE starts out like this, so (if you like Photoshop) keep working with it and you will start seeing results after a few more sessions.
  5. I liked the first one more (even if the second one has kirito in it *.*) first one looks alright but on the second the effects look rather cheap and don't fit in well to the character render. the subtext... the lower part of the gradient is too dark.
  6. Alright, I'll take it as you posted it: right now I think it's way too big for a signature. Therefore I'd make it smaller. :P The particle brush is too apparent imo. Looks like you only used 2-3 different ones. I'd put in more diversity, maybe play some more with colors (since you got the blue line there). But for a first try? I dont think thats too bad, honestly. Oh, and could have polished that text more. looks a bit boring but you will learn :P
  7. If you have any kind of ideas for things that you always wanted to see in Lineage II, let us know. Coding is not a problem.
  8. Everything looks very squeezed, there is too much content imo. Feels very simplistic. I would have used a more default-looking font too such as Verdana or Arial.
  9. Mmmmmmmmm Use another font, don't make it italic aaaaaand.... try learning a little more about Bevel & Emboss. I think you used it a little wrong here.
  10. Many thanks to all the incoming bug-reports etc.
  11. Everyone ripping my bgs, my themes, everything.... just fucking lol at people's lack of creativity..
  12. After some minor tweaking, we are proud to announce that the Game Account Panel is now up and running! Additionally, we have started recruiting testers for the Closed BETA phase. Please read all of the information provided here. Tell your friends, spread the word that the Closed BETA phase is fast approaching! Create your Game Account now!
  13. Looks very unfinished to me. The basis is there and the basis looks really good but.... for me, personally, you could've worked on this a lot more. Looks alright but leaving it at this state, for me, is wasted potential when it could be much better.
  14. Our website is www.l2wicca.com We will release information about beta testing/live when we see fit and think we are at a state that is worth announcing that. However, we expect it to be in February. We very much appreciate every kind of support!
  15. The guy gets invited - that's what happens :P
  16. Your web design isn't all bad. But it's too simple in the sense that all your content box is, is a box with lowered opacity and a few layer effects. There isn't a whole lot of content either and thus it looks very bland and boring. But keep on trying is what I always say. As for Romeo's and that other guys stupid spam, keep going. It'll just be deleted every time
  17. That's an amazing signature and I told you as much :) But the render just didn't represent Kirito enough for me and neither did the background which is why I decided against using it. :( But it's great nonetheless :)
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