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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Bigger version Sorry for the LQ, my laptop can't save it any better D:
  2. FinalGod, stop spamming. If you want to spam go do that in the appropriate section...
  3. I find it horrible to look at altogether xD And aw sorry Loopy xD But I closed it down years ago anyways so what does it matter now :D
  4. People have different ideas and visualizations of "CHRISTMAS". It's up to the people to vote whether they consider Observer's tag 'christmas related' or not.
  5. I just found what I think was my first try on something as a website design. And I thought we few people might like to see that I too was really freaking bad when I started. http://i.imgur.com/ae1kn.jpg It's horrible and you can clearly see all those beginner mistakes that people often make when they start using photoshop and think its cool applying all kinds of layer effects such as wrong bevel and emboss on the menu buttons etc etc. bland content boxes, bland text which is sized too big, odd fonts and the list goes on :D So yeah, heads up for everyone that struggels with web design or even just photoshop in general. Everyone starts out little, but if you keep on using it you WILL get better ;)
  6. We chose a rather low enchant rate on purpose. Enchanting your equipment is supposed to be hard. Keep in mind the higher enchanted your equipment is, the higher get your stats etc and the harder it is to balance them out properly on all classes. Besides we think new players wouldn't be thrilled to join Lineage II Wicca and see everyone running around with high enchanted weaponry. But if you still feel like we should make it higher, feel free to tell us why. :) As for the experience rate... You can read more about it here: http://l2wicca.com/boards/index.php?topic=21.0 That basically means it will be low and get higher and higher the more you level up. You can't rush to max level in only 30 minutes, but you won't need to grind either. We will try and make leveling enjoyable.
  7. Even if it isn't, its still acceptable though if people end up thinking it isn't christmas-themed he won't get many votes.
  8. I don't see why people wouldn't be allowed to make such polls.... so I'm making it myself lol since the other got locked. So, vote away I guess. Let the drama begiiin :y u no?:
  9. Deleted useless posts, read the GFX Showcase rules.
  10. New chunk of information has been revealed! On Lineage II Wicca, some quests and features will be backed with a storyline to make them more interesting. This is just a presentation of the main characters. Once upon a time, at the beginning of time, there were two gods. Einhasad, the goddess of creation and Gran Kain the god of destruction. These two gods produced four offsprings. Eva, Shilen, Maphr and Paagrio. Soon, Gran Kain and his offsprings started to create their life-forms, marking the creation of the six races that we know of today. Eva gave birth to the Elves - wise and intelligent Paagrio fathered the Orcs - mighty and powerful Maphr conceived the Dwarves - skillful engineers Sayha molded the Kamaels - proud and sinister Shilen shaped the Dark Elves - treacherous and charming and Gran Kain created the Humans - whose will was strong and numbers were many As time passed, the era of creation ended, and the six races populated and scattered across the globe. And so the era of heroes began, in which six heroes were born: A brave Human warrior. A true nobleman who has always been loyal to his king, Raoul. He fought in countless battles and was blessed with the magic of the Elves, which allowed him to live longer than most of his kind. He has always had good intentions behind his actions and wants to see the human race prosper. A female Elven mystic. The Elven elders speak fondly of Aria, as she has received the blessing of the Mother Tree which is considered the highest of honors that an elf can hope to receive. She excels at magic - even for Elven standards. She devoted herself to the element of water and became a masterful Mystic Muse. The most cruel and treacherous Dark Elf of her kind. She has always liked to torture those weaker than her. Lithra kills quietly and in the blink of an eye. She hides in the shadows and assassinates her victims before they even know what hit them. A merry Dwarf, always kind and smiling. Athebaldt is said to be the most skillful Warsmith the world has ever seen. He invented lots of powerful machinery which the Dwarven race has been using for hundreds of decades. Athebaldt is the leader of the Warsmith Guild and Blacksmiths all around the world are envious of his skills. Shakdun's brute power and fighting skills are feared in all of Aden. Never has this proud Orc warrior lost a single fight. Many tried to uncover the secret of his abilities but none have succeeded. Shakdun is proud and his skin is said to be harder than rocks. So far, no one has managed to scratch it even once. Many despise his cockiness but are also jealous of his capabilities as a Doombringer. Rumor has it that Ken was once an angel, but due to his skills as a fighter he was considered too powerful. As a result, the gods acted out of fear and severed his right wing.
  11. New chunk of feature information has been released. Questing is generally frowned upon. But why is that? We too, have asked ourselves this very question and came to the conclusion that most quests (if not all) are kind of boring and repetitive. On top of that, you aren't likely to engage in quests that won't give you a valuable reward for your effort. We, in Lineage II Wicca, have created our very own quests. You won't find them anywhere else, because we actually created them from the ground up. We thought of a unique yet short plot to let you immerse yourself into our world of Lineage II. You will find a little preview down below. While some of them may not look special at all to you, we still hope you will enjoy them. And we promise, you won't need to quest at all*. It's optional, although we highly recommend it! *This applies only to our custom quests. Not to retail, nor to custom versions of retail quests. Bigger Version
  12. Regardless of what you might think about us GFX Mods... we can't add/take/delete awards anyways. Perhaps ask Justice what exactly happened - I don't know either. And yes, there's going to be SOTM again, very soon.
  13. Insufficient information about your server. Incorrect/non-existing prefixes. Change it or this is probably going to get locked.
  14. Released some more features in the first post under "Features". We will be gradually releasing more as time passes, so hang in tight!
  15. More than a hundred people bothered filling out the survey. We are in the process of deciding the final features.
  16. Wake up what for? We don't need SOTM's with 2 participants.
  17. When we made the last SOTM there was barely any participation...
  18. Or just free transform the render and hold shift when resizing.
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