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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. New chunk of feature information revealed! The basic idea of the Achievements System is that you get rewarded for completing goals. The goals are categorized, most have multiple levels, some are ridiculously hard and others are pointlessly easy. Some may reward you very generously while others might not give you much. It's up to you which goals you'll complete!
  2. Deleted all the stupid one word spam replies. Read the Rules!!
  3. I kinda like it :P Looks simple but alright. ^^ The effect gives it an edge. :D Deleted Romeo's requests. Post requests in the correct section or PM him.
  4. Aw, thanks man I just saw that. I must have missed it :( Really glad people take their time to make me something :) and I appreciate it
  5. http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7034/9aaf2f587e0a46fba0d4021.png my ripped theme and now ur trying to sell it?
  6. You can edit things directly from your browser and the forums admin panel too.
  7. Nah otherwise everyone will run around with awards, that's not what we want. But everyone's entry is appreciated.
  8. Deleted last two replies. Read the RULES and learn how to give proper comments.
  9. Go from existing themes and edit values etc so that you can shape it the way you want.
  10. The voting has come to an end, and thus we are proud to announce the winner of this month's contest. The results were as followed: One would say it ended in a draw, but we gave the final vote to Justice who then decided that xDamian's entry will be the winner. FinalGod takes the second place and Observer the third place. Congratulations! The rewards will be handed out very soon and you were registered into our Hall of Fame. Good job!
  11. What do I care? Change it or live with being a ripping retard lol.
  12. I deleted the off topic comments, Voqus is right, this isn't the Rate and Comment section after all. Can't say I'm not flattered. :) Thanks Loopy! I really appreciate that gift :) I'm happy people ever think of gifting me something :D So thanks! If you got any questions ever, you know to just pm me. ^^ Though that goes for everyone else too
  13. I'm not meaning to spam and it isn't spamming. But its ripped and I nowhere gave anyone permission to use this. And they told me plenty that they would change it since week, and it just goes off and on to maintenance mode but it isn't changed still. So I'll keep reminding people that you use this theme without my permission.
  14. I'll keep repeating it: Do you have fun ripping my forum theme and using it on your server's forum? http://www.l2heredur.com/forum/ That's my theme, that I edited.
  15. I would make the canvas a lot smaller. I like that idea with the text. Hulk.. he pops out of the background way too much, there is no depth in it. The text is awful but dont let that de-motivate you :P
  16. Oh, perhaps so. I do appreciate your criticism. Though this is but a quarter of what is still to come. We have more. We never preached to re-invent anything. We merely said we aren't going to be your ordinary server. And by 'ordinary' we mean the servers with the same features and concepts all the time. We would like to spice things up a little more. And perhaps people won't bother reading or caring about our custom lore. It's fine. I - for one - had much fun thinking of it. And perhaps people won't make much use of our player profiles. If it happens, then so be it. At least we tried to give players something slightly different. And there is more to come. We aren't exactly giving people "new" stuff. We just set priorities on parts of the game that we think have been forgotten by people as time passed. And regarding the presentation. We just want us to be taken somewhat seriously. As a graphic designer I know just how much depends on 'proper presentation' after all. We expect it to be on at the end of this month or the next - provided that all goes well. Thanks for your continuous support, Loopy. :)
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