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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Yeah, I guess you could kind of say it like that. We'll need a starting point so to speak.
  2. Aw I know mate :) You're always up to help me with whatever I might attempt to do :) I really appreciate that!
  3. I was thinking between the lines of x100 or something but details are still to be discussed, first I'd need to get the team going, what follows comes after. People interested are very welcome to add me on skype: xdracc or msn: xdrac@hotmail.de
  4. Thanks :) I hope more people would want to support such a thing.
  5. and they made a noob mistake of aligning it left instead of having it be centered lol
  6. I feel like servers nowadays have the same features, same concepts which I personally find boring. Severs rarely survive for a longer time period anymore and are always out on money which I find annoying. I personally dont need money, I make enough with designs. But I'd like to offer people a piece of professionalism with a halfway copetetent staff and concepts that were long forgotten -.- Probably gonna be a high5 server
  7. New Youtube design sucks -.- on 1920x1080 monitors it isnt even centered -.-
  8. Design and management: Me Server developing: Mhoska Need someone else to give a little financial support and who has a professional attitude (good english required).
  9. So... are you searching for a website design with flash? or what.
  10. I think I've had enough Interlude. I like newer chronicles but hate that elemental stone system -.- :D
  11. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmeh.... that looks kinda boring if you ask me :( Such flat color variety and spectrum and it just doesn't really look like anything :(
  12. I was thinking, since I have been gone from L2 for a good two years if not even longer, and last days I kind of felt like going back again. Unfortunately as it seems there still isn't a whole lot of great concepts for servers out there. So it got me thinking, why not make a topic and perhaps there's a few competent people that feel the same way you do. Up until now, regardless of how many games and MMORPG's I have tried, Lineage will always somehow remain at the very top of my list. It makes me sad I can't really enjoy it anymore on private servers nowadays neither do I on official anymore (too slow). It's weird that servers use the same concepts all the time. The same farming areas, currencies and whatnot. It feels like the people who develop them have no unique ideas or maybe they just lack skill to realize them. Let me clarify that I have no idea about how to develop or even set up a Lineage server. But I was thinking maybe there is people around that would want to help me. Competent people that know what they are doing and know how to make a professional appearance. I would contribute my design skills (maybe design a custom website + forum etc.) and my community management skills along with fluent language skills and possibly great ideas. I would need people who could help me get this running though, so would anyone be interested? (people should be open for all chronicles (Interlude, Hellbound, H5 etc.)
  13. Well, any other suggestions? It's been.. 2 years I last played Lineage I believe.. hm maybe I'm just not used to hardcore farming anymore :D
  14. Corruption and lack of unique concepts and ideas D:
  15. Meh L2Gang feels like its too much farming, any other server where you dont need to hardcore farm to have some fun?
  16. Didn't play L2 in a long time. Any server with decent population (100+++) and some fun automated events or something? Shouldn't be too much on donations...
  17. microsoft security essentials + malwarebytes
  18. Cause everyone shall remember what I did. muahahaha
  19. One can clearly see your brush patterns. They're too repetetive
  20. xDrac

    I'm so happy.

    and whats better about this than compared to other keyboards?
  21. You either are creative or you aren't... You need ideas to sell a product you make. You need ideas to have something look fresh and attractive, for it catch the users eye. Without creativity and unique ideas you won't bring it far. And just pm me on Skype if you have questions about anything - maybe I can help you.
  22. Then they have it from me, because I edited it that way -,- It's from my L3 Forum Site. You don't find boxes, you make them. And I would never (or rarely) even lower the opacity. Use textures, gradients. Try be creative. Without creativity you won't get far with web design and anything art related.
  23. Lets hear what ppl have to say :o
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