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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Deleted the Off-Topic Posts. As for your image. It looks quite good to be honest. Nice and clean as it should be. I like that background image too. ^^ Didn't know L2German is still running :o
  2. -Reyna's vote deleted. State a serious reason as to why you vote for someone. Any troll posts or votes that dont follow the vote form will be deleted without warning!
  3. Please refrain from spamming our topic with your company's ddos advertisements. Thanks.
  4. i think it was somehow pc related. its fixed for now though so ty :P
  5. SrbIN, shut up. About that signature. Look at the render's and then at your background's colors. Do they fit together? I don't think so. Try working on such things. As for your text, I dont really think that it's easily readable. And that's not good.
  6. All I get is But all other sites load fine -.- Any ideaz?
  7. kOza's and Matthew's votes deleted. If you want to vote use the vote-form and state a reason as to WHY you vote for these tags. [b][i][u]First Vote (reason):[/u][/i][/b] [b][i][u]Second Vote (reason):[/u][/i][/b] [b][i][u]Third Vote (reason):[/u][/i][/b]
  8. On behalf of the entire team I wish everyone a happy new year. As a new years gift we have just released our new website. Enjoy! Lineage II Wicca
  9. SOTM ending in 30 Minutes. `zэlaи send me your render.
  10. xDrac


    Crap poll.. locked.
  11. What is wrong with being open-minded? While the means to apply are up (not for much longer anyway) it doesn't mean we will take retard-x into the team when they apply. I daresay we are extremely picky because we don't want the wrong persons to work with us. Right now, all we could use would maybe be an additional developer. It would speed things up, but we can go without one too. It'll just take a bit longer you see.
  12. As for Bevel and Emboss (as its quite hard to grasp) this here might be quite useful to you. http://psd.tutsplus.com/articles/tools/comprehensive-guide-bevel-emboss/
  13. Why do you use GIFP as your picture format? I'd use JPEG (.JPG) personally. Judging from the image I would say you make the usual newbie mistakes. xD But no worries, everyone makes them. ^^ First of all you should be using the right resolution when making a webdesign. Think ahead, planning things out is half the design already done. I'd recommend using 2000px for your width, the height doesn't really matter as that may vary according to the content you want to include in your website. I tend to use 2000x2400 as my default. As for your content area, I would never use anything bigger the 1000px. Use guides to help you with the structure of your website, things need to have the correct spacing etc otherwise they will look off and that's not good. Now for your actual website: The header image looks a little squished. Did you use Free Transform and held SHIFT while resizing it? (assuming you did cut/resize it at all) Could use some effects on the image, such as making another layer, setting it on overlay and try darkening a few parts etc, increasing contrast bla bla. Right now it looks rather bland and I'm sure everyone knows that image anyways as it's quite common. Your menu bar is very bland. Simple RGB color, no texture, no effects whatsoever. But it's hard to use proper effects for newbies so I'm not blaming you. Try learning more about Bevel and Emboss. That comes in quite handy. At least you thought about centering your menu text vertically and gave it the correct spacing, that's good. I wouldn't use any outer glow on the Menu Text though ;) Your body elements (content box, sidebar etc) look very bland too, like your menu box. Try working with textures or frames to differenciate it from your background. Your text and icons are VERY big. Way too big I guess. I'd make them smaller. Hope I could help you a little. ^^
  14. Personally I feel like the render is too "small" for the signature canvas and this you get too much empty space. xD Only my opinion though others may think differently
  15. As we said. This isn't going to be your ordinary server. People tend to rush through content way too fast nowadays. We want people to take their sweet time and enjoy the world of Lineage II as it is supposed to be. I can promise each and everyone of you that Serenity and I are really trying to create something "unique" here. At least we would consider it as such. We will have different ways of obtaining gear etc than endless grinding. This isn't going to be your instant PvP server though, where you get everything in a matter of minutes. No, no, no. We want you to keep busy, we want there to be something to do for you at all time, so that you won't get bored and always have something to work on or achieve. That, too, is one of the reasons why we want people to level up. Leveling is not going to take forever as it does on lowrates. But it won't be superfast as it is on highrates either. Though really, I am revealing too much. And even leveling won't only be possible by killing monsters ;) Our imagination is vast. We will try and surprise you with features that people aren't used to nowadays. On a different note. We appreciate all suggestions and ideas, so please: DO take your time to register on our forums and let us know what you think about our server and how we could make it even better etc. Your opinion counts, it really does. And if you can, spread the word. We all know it's more fun to play with a lot of people rather than a few! :)
  16. xDrac


    I hate when you people post more than 1 version of ur stuff.... I mean cmon, decide on what you like best and post it xD I think that sig is okay.. pretty simple. And now I understand what you needed that render for :D
  17. Yeeeeaaaaaa, dude speak english this isnt your usual retarded GR topic.
  18. Posting one or two words that don*t add in anything to the discussion are - for me - considered spam and to be deleted.
  19. Not solely, but I'm administrating it too, yes. It's "my" project.
  20. Not yet. :P Coming soon though. ^^
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