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jtos last won the day on August 8

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  1. I dont believe you have access to private repo, SCREENSHOT OR NEVER HAPPENED.. Proof or sftu Show us screenshot of the diff this revision have r15878
  2. I would go with mobius solution. For the price he gives the subscription is the best one around.
  3. Discord : Liamxroy , he made it for our server
  4. https://mega.nz/file/BXZFDKiQ#oz9sHwPgy0AEh-UkZzdNqg1UwXzJezNiHWfW0-TYwV8 Rar Password: www.at4re.net
  5. Can you open this share for donators as well ?
  6. I don't know how much they paid but .. the ones they provide for testing has nothing to do with l2lionna. Ask them!
  7. I tested both, L2scripts and mobius L2scripts provide me a test server (Nothing works there Fafurion or Classic ) and they wanted 420 for compiled version. (lol) L2jmobius have decent files for their price. (include source) The choice is yours.
  8. There's people answering here that never tried or have no access in Mobius forum and they want to "help" you. I don't know about Interlude but Mobius H5 files work like a charm and are complete. In fact every mobius chronicle I have tested up to Fafurion is one of the top around. Hope that I helped.
  9. What you want ? Maybe I can help you.
  10. I can send you ucp for L2j for free. Contact me on Skype : Liamxroy1

  11. Mobius is Mobius and he is L2j dev for a decade+ Tell us exactly who the hell are you and what you can do or what you ever did or doing now.
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