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Everything posted by KerPlunk

  1. i could not get this working on l2 toxic.
  2. real poker cant be beat obviously, but i occasionally play on pokerstars for fun.
  3. from what ive gathered from the comments, this was made by the l2 developers from c3? my favorite chronicle by far :D any ETA on the US servers?
  4. on every lowrate ive played, ive made both on different accounts, my crafter sits in town selling ss while i spoil, no faster way to make money.
  5. preferred safe 3 preferred max 13 (blue lightning glow) servers with max 20-25 with regular enchant rates, imo is a donater ruled server
  6. advertise on well known sites, and include things that would draw a crowd in, something thats different from all the other servers. and the sig/tag is a good idea aswell.
  7. i agree with fuers, l2x is just a good memory now, it would ruin the memory to play on a server thats been remade at least 8 times by different/the same people. it will never be the original.
  8. ha i havnt had my sound on in yeas, this music brings back memories..
  9. i like stun on my AW bluff+stun (incase bluff doesnt land) = ownage
  10. Final fantasy 13 Lineage 2 risk COD MW mario 3 Saints row 2 Zelda orcarina of time nhl 10 medieval warfare 2 aion red dead redemption
  11. and on top of that they recently had banned alot of leavers, so on LoL if you rack up alot of leaves, your at risk for getting banned.
  12. how could you have soccer on that list, and not a real contact sport like ice hockey?.... or football for that matter!
  13. this brightened my day, thanks :D
  14. 7k on l2 rpg
  15. Chaoskid, DemonKing
  16. mostly everything, but id would pick, its about the money, over the others.
  17. the dwarf rush is beyond epic...
  18. the sims, constantly going to the bathroom 500 times a day -.-
  19. ive been hooked on lineage 2 for so long, other game's cant capture my attention like that, so im really looking forward to seeing what the makers of l2 will do for l3 :D
  20. looking forward to cod 6 aswell.
  21. this (for me) has only worked on c4 servers
  22. thanks alot, just got it working, great share!
  23. old school l2 extreme, titan server. my first server and some of my best l2 memories.
  24. major arcana on DE male/female SH with a icarus mace.
  25. i be pimpin in da feathered hat.
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