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Everything posted by KerPlunk

  1. seems everyone agrees this does not work, and will get you banned, i wont be trying it.
  2. palidin is pretty easy imo cant get much more basic then tanking in instances.
  3. warrior imo, not as easy as other classes but i think hes the most fun, and in general i think the more fun you have the better you play that class.
  4. doest work for me on any interlude servers
  5. cant beat the SH's m attack
  6. looks pretty good ill give it a try.
  7. i usually go +dex and +wit
  8. didnt work for me :( ill keep trying, and update if i find the problem.
  9. great share, gonna test it now, hope the GM's dont notice xD
  10. favorite dog, jack russel terrier, one of the most hyper dogs ever you can play with them for hours and they wont tire, people say they're one of the smartest dogs to, mine is one of the dumbest tho, but i couldnt love her more
  11. i prefer LoL over hon, i have accounts on both games, but LoL has a much better community.
  12. my 1st game was mechwarrior 4 vengeance, i should probably see if its still popular
  13. my first char was Darkecho a SWS on hind
  14. i prefer TH for mirage and dash, plus you live longer in teamfights
  15. im looking for IG or OOG walker for this hellbound server, it has server side protection i believe, Thanks in advance
  16. im happy with anything above 20x that has a good community.
  17. Aion get me off my l2 addiction, for now at least.
  18. most RPG's keep me up when im playing them for the first time, but with most i end up getting bored when i reach the middle of the game >.<
  19. Hey everyone, wanted to drop in and say hi, im looking forward to becoming a part of this community and getting to know you guys better. Currently i play lineage 2, Starcraft 2, COD MW2, and Heroes of newerth, hope to see you on the forums!
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