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Everything posted by DeathSpike

  1. I think the anti bot of my server detect it.
  2. That is an old bug ... i think it worked on l2 ...2 years ago.
  3. nice, but if your server have an instant delete char it can be fun.
  4. It can be useful, when i will be judicator.
  5. HE for P.def/p.atk, nice crit rate, but it's a class easy to play.
  6. What dyes for a male SoulHound (lvl 76/maj set/top B weapon) on CT 1.5? Atm i play on fighter but i think play like mage when my server upload to gracia final.
  7. +1, but i think is enouth people for play.
  8. I never got a ban... just some jail for gm provocations :p
  9. 6 or 7 times on saggi on a lol 4x server and 1 time on a high rate on MS.
  10. On CT1.5 great wolf for me :D
  11. Why you want play on L2J or L2off when retrail gracia epilogue russian are free to play ? ... You aren't russian ? You must go on lol private :p.
  12. Corridor 7... a doom like. On the computer of my grand pa ... was a 486 on DOSshell !!!
  13. old but usefull.
  14. thx for info :D
  15. Imo L2 gracia epilogue MUST be the last upload ... ho wait freya incomming with more imba roxxor features...
  16. C4 = small clan, max lvl 78, no life stone, more player drop, no imba skill like bubble, no S80 S84 .... C4 is a fun chronicle but you can have only one skill bar one the screen (alt + fX FTW !).
  17. Maybe my new mmo ... after 4 years of L2.
  18. l2 is more funny in pvp :D
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