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Everything posted by Dask

  1. She doesn't have so long cd's to take cdr botts and going with utility masteries too. I think is to much ;/
  2. Το ίδια ψάχνω και εγώ, βρήκα μερικά επεισόδεια αλλά δεν βρίσκω υπότιτλους. Προσπάθησα και στο utube αλλά έχει μόνο βίντεο με εικόνες. Όποιος μπορεί να βοηθήσει.
  3. Dask

    [GR]Help PC

    όχι ρε δεν είχε ιλλαρά αφού όταν πήγα να τον φτιάξω μου είπε απλά ότι έχει πρόβλημα η γραφικών. δεν ήταν άρρωστη ή κάτι τέτοιο απλά είχε πολυχρησιμοποιηθεί.
  4. Dask

    [GR]Help PC

    μπορεί να σου "κάηκε" η κάρτα γραφικών, όχι τελείως απλά να τα έφτυσε. το είχα πάθει με το παλιό pc, είχε λιώσει στην κυριολεξία και είχε ζεβλώσει λίγο αλλά έπαιζε ακόμα και έβγαζε κάτι κόκκινες βούλες στην οθόνη.
  5. I would like rod of ages instead of archangels staff and go with 21/0/9 masteries When you're playing as ap carry this is what you need.
  6. I told you my opinion, ye it's better than dota 1. but still graphics sux
  7. IS really dark and i can't see what image is unless if I stick my head on screen.
  8. You sold a sig 30 euros to a chick. THIS IS SCAM 8)
  9. So you won't gonna change it with paysafe? Only paypal ? ;s
  10. Yes you can tell that is a copy from dota, but still who cares? It is better so I won't stay and play a game like dota, even snake in old phones has better graphics.
  11. Why only playstation 2? We can talk for newest or older verions too like
  12. Is way better than dota 1 but still LoL is a million times better.
  13. Δεν κατάλαβα τι εννοείς με το βιντεάκι, τι θες να πεις ότι το λ2 ια ήταν έτσι, για αυτό έγινε free ;
  14. Δηλαδή τι εννοείς, να κάνουν νέους σέρβερ, να βάλουν καινούρια maps? Δεν κατάλαβα, ναι από την μία λογικό είναι και εγώ όταν άρχισα και αρκετά αργότερα έιχε πολύ κόσμο, αλλά τι μπορούν να κάνουν?
  15. I can't play at ncsoft tho, i put my email and it said me taht is already in use. I try other email and same again. Any idea?
  16. The fact that you win the games doesn't mean that the build is correct 100%. Im not telling you that build sucks, is quite good. I just told you, almost all ad carries have the same build. And i mean build in runes/masteries/items etc. About runes i prefer armor pen quints, ad marks, armor seals and att speed glyphs. You need ad and att speed to get last hit under the turret since you won't have always support like janna and sona who give you attack damage and helping you with last hits.
  17. He can jungle easy but he's not so effective jungler imo. Since he's melee and he has a skillshot slow he can easy interrupted. Im not playing very often with olaf but i think he's better if you take him in solo lane, start with boots + health pots or cloath armor + 5 pots. Then go classic, lantern boots(situational), mallet, atmogs, etc.
  18. Dask

    WTS EU WEST 30

    Έχεις παίξει καθόλου ranked ή είναι ανέπαφα τα ranked games στην season 2. Αν ναι τότε ενδιαφέρομαι.
  19. LoL has better gameplay than dota >.< and of course better graphics, I didn't try dota 2 yet. I played hon about 2-3 times but it was shit. So i prefer LoL (better graphics, better gameplay, big community)
  20. 1st of all, why carbon isn't in poll? I vote for most wanted since my last nfs was carbon. Actually all nfs after most wanted was copies with other maps. Just new cars etc.
  21. dragon age 2 assassins creed (all) diablo (1-2) and one more rpg i can't remember the name right now, it was smth like baldurs game or smth like that (was rpg)
  22. Ναι οκ αλλά παρα ήταν σύντομο, καλά καλά δεν έχουνε δει τι νέο υπάρχει στο τελευταίο και κάνουν και άλλο. Θα μπορούσαν να αφήσουν λίγο χρόνο ακόμα.
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